Predictions for today's matches based on our Ai predictions head to head model. Full draw, schedule, and stats analysis for all upcoming matches for Davis Cup, Group 1, 1R, NZL-LIB 3-2 - Lebanon 1998.
Davis Cup, Group 1, 1R, NZL-LIB 3-2
tournament info
Rank | Davis/Fed Cup |
Country | Lebanon |
Start Date | 12 Feb 98 |
Surfaces | I.hard |
Prize Money | |
Davis Cup, Group 1, 1R, NZL-LIB 3-2
player 1 | player 2 | odds/scr | | h2h |
First |
| | | | 6-4 6-4 6-4 | H2H |
| | | | 7-5 7-6(4) 7-6(8) | H2H |
| | | | 6-3 6-4 | H2H |
| | | | 6-4 6-2 7-5 | H2H |