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Prediction of Sao Luiz vs Avenida Fc, Head to Head Stats & Best Odds

São Luiz vs Avenida FC H2H Stats

In the last 0 head to head matches between these 2 teams, São Luiz have won 0 and Avenida FC have won 0.

São Luiz vs Avenida FC Important H2H Prediction Stats:

We preview the game at Vitality stadium. After analysing past head to head stats between the 2 teams as well as performance vs other teams, the Matchstat.com super computer has made its predictions about the game that we will indicate below.

Avenida FC will need to keep Matheuzinho under control, as he is the São Luiz top scorer this season with 2 goals.

If you are confident in your analysis and want to place a bet, have a look at the pre match and live odds in the Matchstat odds section, where you can also view the match live.

If you want to see all the Matchstat predictions and tips for upcoming football matches, take a look at our overall football predictions page here

São Luiz Vs Avenida FC Season Stats

Performance Summary São Luiz Avenida FC
Matches 7 -
Total Wins 1 -
Total Draws 3 -
Total Losses 3 -
Goals Scored 6 -
Goals Conceded 13 -
Goals per Game 0.86 -
Goals Conceded per Game 1.86 -
Shots on Target per Game - -
Big Chances per Game - -
Ball Possession 43.3% 0%
Clean Sheets 0 -
Tackles per Game - -
Penalty Goals Conceded - -
Fouls per Game 12.71 -
Offsides per Game 0.71 -
Goal Kicks per Game 9.57 -
Throw-ins per Game - -
Yellow Cards per Game 1.57 -
Red Cards 3 -

São Luiz Last Match Played stats

São Luiz vs Internacional in the Gaúcho on Thu, 13 Feb '25


Final Score : 1 - 3

stats São Luiz (H) Internacional (A)
Match overview
Ball possession 33% 67%
Expected goals 0.60 1.23
Total shots 7 14
Goalkeeper saves 4 0
Corner kicks 3 5
Fouls 11 12
Passes 227 511
Tackles 5 4
Free kicks 5 2
Yellow cards 0 2
Red cards 0 0
Total shots 7 14
Shots on target 1 6
Hit woodwork 0 1
Shots off target 6 6
Blocked shots 0 1
Shots inside box 4 7
Shots outside box 3 7
Through balls 0 1
Touches in penalty area 6 16
Offsides 0 1
Accurate passes 162 443
Throw-ins 22 19
Final third phase 18/29 (62%) 34/52 (65%)
Long balls 20/36 (55%) 13/31 (41%)
Crosses 3/12 (25%) 6/11 (54%)
Duels 35% 35%
Dispossessed 4 1
Ground duels 39/125 (31%) 46/133 (35%)
Aerial duels 16/30 (53%) 10/25 (40%)
Dribbles 17/19 (89%) 21/31 (68%)
Total tackles 5 4
Interceptions 11 18
Clearances 17 5
Errors lead to a shot 3 0
Total saves 4 0
Goal kicks 9 7

São Luiz Football Fixtures

Tour Gaúcho
15 Feb '25 19:30

Guarany de Bagé


São Luiz

Gaucho, Serie A1 2025, Group A Standings

team MP W L pts


7 4 1 14

Guarany de Bagé

7 2 2 9

EC São José

7 0 3 4

EC Avenida

7 0 5 2


Torneo Regional Amateur, Región Litoral Norte - Zona 1 24/25 Standings

team MP W L pts

CA Villa Alvear

6 4 0 14

Deportivo Municipal de La Leonesa

6 1 1 7

Deportivo Fontana

6 1 2 6

Pabellón Argentino de Las Palmas

6 1 4 4

São Luiz Player Stats

Player Club GP goal assist cards rating
1 player Paulo Gianezini club 4 - - 1 7
2 player Diego Monteiro club 2 - - 0 6.95
3 player Luisinho club 2 - - 0 6.9
4 player Tontini club 3 1 - 0 6.87
5 player Ricardo Thalheimer club 6 - - 1 6.84
6 player Da Silva club 5 - - 1 6.83
7 player Guilherme Garré club 6 - - 0 6.8
8 player Adailson Gonçalves Sousa club 7 1 1 1 6.75
9 player Marlon club 7 - - 1 6.63
10 player Gabriel Davis club 1 - - 0 6.6

Avenida FC Player Stats

Stats Not Available

Up to date history, stats, results and score analysis of Football matches between Sao Luiz and Avenida Fc. Analyze the above head to head stats to help you with your Sao Luiz vs Avenida Fc Football match prediction.
