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Head to Head Prediction: VfB Lübeck VS Hamburger SV II

VfB Lübeck

Home Form






Away Form






Hamburger SV II

Home Form






Away Form






Head To Head

12 Wins
8 Draws
10 Wins

For predictions of upcoming matches, including head to head stats, lineups and player ratings, check out these h2h pages for future matches

VfB Lübeck's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Hamburger SV II's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


VfB Lübeck Vs Hamburger SV II Season Stats

Performance Summary VfB Lübeck Hamburger SV II
Total Wins N/A 12
Home Wins N/A 7
Away Wins N/A 5
Total Draws N/A 8
Home Draws N/A 5
Away Draws N/A 3
Total Lost N/A 7
Home Losses N/A 2
Away Losses N/A 5
Total Goals For N/A 43
Home Goals For N/A 29
Away Goals For N/A 14
Total Goals Against N/A 37
Home Goals Against N/A 21
Away Goals Against N/A 16
Total Clean Sheet N/A 9
Home Clean Sheet N/A 4
Away Clean Sheet N/A 5
Total Failed To Score N/A 7
Home Failed To Score N/A 2
Away Failed To Score N/A 5
Total Av Goals Scored N/A 1.59
Home Av Goals Scored N/A 2.07
Away Av Goals Scored N/A 1.08
Total Av Goals Conceded N/A 1.37
Home Av Goals Conceded N/A 1.5
Away Av Goals Conceded N/A 1.23
Total 1st Goal Scored N/A 39m
Home 1st Goal Scored N/A 33m
Away 1st Goal Scored N/A 48m
Total 1st Goal Conceded N/A 33m
Home 1st Goal Conceded N/A 32m
Away 1st Goal Conceded N/A 34m
Goals Scoring Minutes VfB Lübeck Hamburger SV II
0-15 - 3 (7%)
15-30 - 7 (16.3%)
30-45 - 8 (18.6%)
45-60 - 10 (23.3%)
60-75 - 12 (27.9%)
75-90 - 3 (7%)
Goals Conceded Minutes VfB Lübeck Hamburger SV II
0-15 - 7 (18.9%)
15-30 - 6 (16.2%)
30-45 - 6 (16.2%)
45-60 - 6 (16.2%)
60-75 - 8 (21.6%)
75-90 - 4 (10.8%)
Combined Match Stats VfB Lübeck Hamburger SV II
Attacks N/A 1956
Dangerous Attacks N/A 1152
Av Possession Percent N/A 52.33
Fouls N/A 0
Av Fouls Per Game N/A 0.00
Offside N/A 0
Red Cards N/A 1
Yellow Cards N/A 54
Shots Blocked N/A 0
Shots Off Target N/A 142
Av Shots Off Target N/A 5.26
Shots On Target N/A 126
Av Shots On Target N/A 4.67
Total Corners N/A 97
Av Corners N/A 3.59
BTTS N/A 51.85
Av Player Rating Per Match N/A 0
Tackles N/A 0
Total Match Goals Percentages VfB Lübeck Hamburger SV II
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 - - 92.86 84.62
Over 1.5 - - 85.71 76.92
Over 2.5 - - 64.29 53.85
Over 3.5 - - 50 7.69
Over 4.5 - - 35.71 7.69
Over 5.5 - - 14.29 0
Under 0.5 - - 7.14 15.38
Under 1.5 - - 14.29 23.08
Under 2.5 - - 35.71 46.15
Under 3.5 - - 50 92.31
Under 4.5 - - 64.29 92.31
Under 5.5 - - 85.71 100

VfB Lübeck Vs Hamburger SV II Past Matches

Date Home Teams Away SCore
25.11.2022 Regionalliga: Nord home VfB Lübeck away Hamburger SV II away Hamburger SV II 2- 1 stat


15.09.2022 Regionalliga: Nord home Hamburger SV II away VfB Lübeck away VfB Lübeck 1- 1 stat


01.07.2022 Club Friendlies 3 home Hamburger SV II away VfB Lübeck away VfB Lübeck 3- 3 stat


21.11.2021 Regionalliga: Nord home Hamburger SV II away VfB Lübeck away VfB Lübeck 3- 0 stat


22.09.2021 Regionalliga: Nord home VfB Lübeck away Hamburger SV II away Hamburger SV II 2- 2 stat


28.09.2019 Regionalliga: Nord home Hamburger SV II away VfB Lübeck away VfB Lübeck 2- 3 stat


11.03.2019 Regionalliga: Nord home VfB Lübeck away Hamburger SV II away Hamburger SV II 2- 0 stat


02.09.2018 Regionalliga: Nord home Hamburger SV II away VfB Lübeck away VfB Lübeck 0- 1 stat


24.03.2018 Regionalliga: Nord home VfB Lübeck away Hamburger SV II away Hamburger SV II 0- 2 stat


16.09.2017 Regionalliga: Nord home Hamburger SV II away VfB Lübeck away VfB Lübeck 2- 0 stat


VfB Lübeck Vs Hamburger SV II Match Stats

Performance Summary VfB Lübeck Hamburger SV II
Shots Total 15 11
Shots Blocked N/A N/A
Shots Inside Box N/A N/A
Shots Outside Box N/A N/A
Passes Total N/A N/A
Accurate Passes N/A N/A
Pass Accuracy % N/A N/A
Total Attacks 113 95
Dangerous Attacks 68 63
Fouls N/A N/A
Corners 7 6
Offsides N/A N/A
Possession Time 47 53
Yellow Cards 1 1
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards N/A N/A
Saves N/A N/A
Substitutions 0 0
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe N/A N/A
Goals 2 1
Penalties 0 0
Injuries N/A N/A

VfB Lübeck Vs Hamburger SV II Comparision

Performance Summary VfB Lübeck Hamburger SV II
Top Scorer N/A Tom Sanne(18)
Top Assists N/A N/A
Most Appearances N/A Felix Paschke(27)
Most Mins Played N/A Felix Paschke(2242)
Most Cards N/A T. Harz(9)

VfB Lübeck Player Stats



Jens Martens

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
37 player Janek Sternberg club 24 - - 9 1751 6.42
2 player Robin Kölle club - - - 0 - -
17 player Tommy Grupe club 20 - 1 2 1395 5.74
23 player Mattis Daube club 5 - - 0 150 6.62
24 player Morten Rüdiger club 10 - - 4 685 -
19 player Florian Kirschke club 1 - - 0 90 -
30 player Jannik Löhden club 25 2 - 8 1672 6.44
3 player Niklas Kastenhofer club 13 1 - 1 960 6.82
7 player Marius Hauptmann club 29 1 2 3 2089 6.75
8 player Florian Egerer club 32 - - 5 2111 6.46

Hamburger SV II Player Stats



Pit Reimers

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
9 player Ware Pakia club 9 2 - 1 284 -
12 player Malte Brüning club - - - 0 - -
3 player Dennis Duah club 26 - - 3 2218 -
11 player Arlind Rexhepi club 25 4 - 4 2019 -
23 player David Amalachukwu Igboanugo club 20 - - 4 1340 -
13 player Tom Sanne club 26 18 - 5 2197 -
18 player Jesse Kilo club 19 1 - 2 996 -
8 player Ayukayoh Mengot club 18 2 - 1 539 -
1 player Steven Foly Mensah club 22 - - 5 1935 -
player Omar Abdel Megeed club 10 2 - 1 647 -

VfB Lübeck's Biggest Wins

Hamburger SV II's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Hannover 96 II logo Hannover 96 II
29 63 20 3 6 75 36
Meppen logo Meppen
30 59 18 5 7 66 28
Phönix Lübeck logo Phönix Lübeck
27 53 16 5 6 66 39
Holstein Kiel II logo Holstein Kiel II
29 49 15 4 10 56 9
Drochtersen / Assel logo Drochtersen / Assel
28 49 13 10 5 43 8
Teutonia Hamburg logo Teutonia Hamburg
30 45 12 9 9 55 14
VfB Oldenburg logo VfB Oldenburg
28 44 12 8 8 53 13
Hamburger SV II logo Hamburger SV II
27 44 12 8 7 43 6
St. Pauli II logo St. Pauli II
29 42 11 9 9 58 21
Havelse logo Havelse
27 42 12 6 9 46 4

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