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Head to Head Prediction: Tychy 71 VS Znicz Pruszków

Tychy 71

Home Form






Away Form






Znicz Pruszków

Home Form






Away Form






Head To Head

1 Wins
2 Draws
3 Wins

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Tychy 71's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Znicz Pruszków's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Tychy 71 Vs Znicz Pruszków Season Stats

Performance Summary Tychy 71 Znicz Pruszków
Total Wins 14 9
Home Wins 8 5
Away Wins 6 4
Total Draws 3 4
Home Draws 1 2
Away Draws 2 2
Total Lost 10 14
Home Losses 4 6
Away Losses 6 8
Total Goals For 35 22
Home Goals For 18 11
Away Goals For 17 11
Total Goals Against 31 33
Home Goals Against 10 12
Away Goals Against 21 21
Total Clean Sheet 10 9
Home Clean Sheet 7 6
Away Clean Sheet 3 3
Total Failed To Score 7 10
Home Failed To Score 3 5
Away Failed To Score 4 5
Total Av Goals Scored 1.3 0.81
Home Av Goals Scored 1.38 0.85
Away Av Goals Scored 1.21 0.79
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.15 1.22
Home Av Goals Conceded 0.77 0.92
Away Av Goals Conceded 1.5 1.5
Total 1st Goal Scored 43m 45m
Home 1st Goal Scored 39m 46m
Away 1st Goal Scored 48m 45m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 36m 43m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 37m 39m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 33m 49m
Goals Scoring Minutes Tychy 71 Znicz Pruszków
0-15 6 (17.1%) 3 (13.6%)
15-30 3 (8.6%) 4 (18.2%)
30-45 7 (20%) 3 (13.6%)
45-60 7 (20%) 2 (9.1%)
60-75 2 (5.7%) 3 (13.6%)
75-90 10 (28.6%) 7 (31.8%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Tychy 71 Znicz Pruszków
0-15 5 (16.1%) 1 (3%)
15-30 6 (19.4%) 4 (12.1%)
30-45 4 (12.9%) 12 (36.4%)
45-60 5 (16.1%) 9 (27.3%)
60-75 5 (16.1%) 2 (6.1%)
75-90 6 (19.4%) 5 (15.2%)
Combined Match Stats Tychy 71 Znicz Pruszków
Attacks 2394 2646
Dangerous Attacks 1757 1799
Av Possession Percent 48.04 46.31
Fouls 83 94
Av Fouls Per Game 3.07 3.48
Offside 7 6
Red Cards 3 4
Yellow Cards 76 54
Shots Blocked 0 0
Shots Off Target 184 202
Av Shots Off Target 6.81 7.48
Shots On Target 118 111
Av Shots On Target 4.37 4.11
Total Corners 120 139
Av Corners 4.44 5.15
BTTS 40.74 33.33
Av Player Rating Per Match 0 0
Tackles 0 0
Total Match Goals Percentages Tychy 71 Znicz Pruszków
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 92.31 100 92.31 100
Over 1.5 61.54 78.57 53.85 57.14
Over 2.5 38.46 42.86 15.38 28.57
Over 3.5 15.38 28.57 7.69 14.29
Over 4.5 7.69 21.43 7.69 7.14
Over 5.5 0 0 0 7.14
Under 0.5 7.69 0 7.69 0
Under 1.5 38.46 21.43 46.15 42.86
Under 2.5 61.54 57.14 84.62 71.43
Under 3.5 84.62 71.43 92.31 85.71
Under 4.5 92.31 78.57 92.31 92.86
Under 5.5 100 100 100 92.86

Tychy 71 Vs Znicz Pruszków Past Matches

Tychy 71 Vs Znicz Pruszków Match Stats

Performance Summary Znicz Pruszków Tychy 71
Shots Total 12 11
Shots Blocked N/A N/A
Shots Inside Box N/A N/A
Shots Outside Box N/A N/A
Passes Total N/A N/A
Accurate Passes N/A N/A
Pass Accuracy % N/A N/A
Total Attacks 66 60
Dangerous Attacks 31 32
Fouls N/A N/A
Corners 7 7
Offsides N/A N/A
Possession Time 52 48
Yellow Cards 3 3
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards N/A N/A
Saves N/A N/A
Substitutions 0 0
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe N/A N/A
Goals 2 3
Penalties 0 0
Injuries N/A N/A

Tychy 71 Vs Znicz Pruszków Comparision

Tychy 71 Player Stats



Dariusz Banasik

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
15 player Michał Ploch club - - - 0 - -
44 player Adrian Kostrzewski club - - - 1 - -
23 player Mateusz Radecki club 25 3 1 4 1606 -
77 player Patryk Mikita club 21 - 3 4 948 -
25 player Wiktor Zytek club 25 4 4 5 2052 -
21 player Krzysztof Machowski club 18 2 1 2 1059 -
9 player Daniel Rumin club 27 7 3 2 1690 -
1 player Maciej Kikolski club 27 - - 3 2430 -
17 player Marcel Błachewicz club 21 2 1 4 1507 -
8 player Marcin Szpakowski club 21 - 2 2 648 -

Znicz Pruszków Player Stats



Mariusz Misiura

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
player Jakub Wójcicki club 19 - 1 2 1168 -
player Piotr Misztal club - - - 0 - -
player Maksymilian Brejnak club - - - 0 - -
player Kacper Flisiuk club 6 - - 0 25 -
player Krystian Pomorski club 26 2 2 4 2325 -
player Tymon Proczek club 25 1 - 5 962 -
player Krystian Tabara club 22 3 - 0 584 -
player Yuriy Tkachuk club 21 - 1 9 1698 -
player Dmytro Yukhymovych club 25 - - 8 2138 -
player Milosz Mleczko club 27 - - 1 2430 -

Tychy 71's Biggest Wins

Znicz Pruszków's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Lechia Gdańsk logo Lechia Gdańsk
27 53 16 5 6 46 24
Arka Gdynia logo Arka Gdynia
27 52 15 7 5 45 18
Katowice logo Katowice
27 45 13 6 8 47 19
Górnik Łęczna logo Górnik Łęczna
27 45 11 12 4 30 6
Motor Lublin logo Motor Lublin
27 45 13 6 8 38 5
Tychy 71 logo Tychy 71
27 45 14 3 10 35 4
Wisła Kraków logo Wisła Kraków
27 42 11 9 7 49 16
Wisła Płock logo Wisła Płock
27 42 11 9 7 39 3
Odra Opole logo Odra Opole
27 40 11 7 9 32 4
Miedź Legnica logo Miedź Legnica
27 38 9 11 7 35 7

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