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Head to Head Prediction: Southampton VS Sunderland


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Head To Head

5 Wins
6 Draws
6 Wins

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Southampton's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Sunderland's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Southampton Vs Sunderland Season Stats

Performance Summary Southampton Sunderland
Total Wins 25 16
Home Wins 15 10
Away Wins 10 6
Total Draws 9 8
Home Draws 3 2
Away Draws 6 6
Total Lost 8 19
Home Losses 4 9
Away Losses 4 10
Total Goals For 84 52
Home Goals For 54 30
Away Goals For 30 22
Total Goals Against 54 50
Home Goals Against 28 27
Away Goals Against 26 23
Total Clean Sheet 12 13
Home Clean Sheet 6 6
Away Clean Sheet 6 7
Total Failed To Score 3 15
Home Failed To Score 1 7
Away Failed To Score 2 8
Total Av Goals Scored 2 1.21
Home Av Goals Scored 2.45 1.43
Away Av Goals Scored 1.5 1
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.29 1.16
Home Av Goals Conceded 1.27 1.29
Away Av Goals Conceded 1.3 1.05
Total 1st Goal Scored 31m 45m
Home 1st Goal Scored 25m 47m
Away 1st Goal Scored 38m 43m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 45m 38m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 46m 34m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 45m 42m
Goals Scoring Minutes Southampton Sunderland
0-15 14 (16.7%) 7 (13.5%)
15-30 15 (17.9%) 6 (11.5%)
30-45 14 (16.7%) 12 (23.1%)
45-60 10 (11.9%) 7 (13.5%)
60-75 9 (10.7%) 7 (13.5%)
75-90 22 (26.2%) 13 (25%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Southampton Sunderland
0-15 8 (14.8%) 5 (10%)
15-30 4 (7.4%) 10 (20%)
30-45 12 (22.2%) 10 (20%)
45-60 9 (16.7%) 9 (18%)
60-75 10 (18.5%) 8 (16%)
75-90 11 (20.4%) 8 (16%)
Combined Match Stats Southampton Sunderland
Attacks 5123 4548
Dangerous Attacks 2669 2236
Av Possession Percent 66.60 54.95
Fouls 398 424
Av Fouls Per Game 9.48 9.86
Offside 73 82
Red Cards 3 2
Yellow Cards 95 89
Shots Blocked 209 210
Shots Off Target 216 213
Av Shots Off Target 5.14 4.95
Shots On Target 251 211
Av Shots On Target 5.98 4.91
Total Corners 322 259
Av Corners 7.67 6.02
BTTS 66.67 46.51
Av Player Rating Per Match 7.05 6.86
Tackles 606 734
Total Match Goals Percentages Southampton Sunderland
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 100 95 90.48 86.36
Over 1.5 90.91 80 71.43 59.09
Over 2.5 77.27 50 61.9 36.36
Over 3.5 45.45 30 33.33 13.64
Over 4.5 27.27 15 9.52 4.55
Over 5.5 13.64 5 4.76 4.55
Under 0.5 0 5 9.52 13.64
Under 1.5 9.09 20 28.57 40.91
Under 2.5 22.73 50 38.1 63.64
Under 3.5 54.55 70 66.67 86.36
Under 4.5 72.73 85 90.48 95.45
Under 5.5 86.36 95 95.24 95.45

Southampton Vs Sunderland Past Matches

Southampton Vs Sunderland Match Stats

Performance Summary Southampton Sunderland
Shots Total 21 13
Shots Blocked 7 2
Shots Inside Box 16 6
Shots Outside Box 5 7
Passes Total 574 359
Accurate Passes 486 278
Pass Accuracy % 85 77
Total Attacks 81 99
Dangerous Attacks 29 33
Fouls 11 15
Corners 6 2
Offsides 2 3
Possession Time 62 38
Yellow Cards 2 3
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards 0 0
Saves 3 5
Substitutions 5 5
Goal Kicks 1 0
Goal Attampts 12 10
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins 12 26
Ball Safe 90 75
Goals 4 2
Penalties 1 0
Injuries 0 1

Southampton Vs Sunderland Comparision

Southampton Player Stats



Russell Martin

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
9 player Adam Armstrong club 42 20 13 5 3498 7.30
17 player Stuart Armstrong club 41 5 7 5 2758 7.20
10 player Che Adams club 36 15 3 4 2036 7.11
7 player Joe Aribo club 31 3 1 5 1306 6.97
2 player Kyle Walker-Peters club 39 3 2 4 3507 7.39
35 player Jan Bednarek club 38 2 - 10 3233 7.31
14 player James Bree club 15 - 1 1 880 6.88
20 player Kamal Deen Sulemana club 23 - 3 4 908 6.97
23 player Samuel Edozie club 29 6 3 2 1244 6.99
28 player Juan Larios López club - - - 0 - -

Sunderland Player Stats



Mike Dodds

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
24 player Daniel Neill club 42 4 5 2 3698 7.16
13 player Luke O'Nien club 40 2 - 11 3600 7.16
39 player Pierre Ekwah Elimby club 37 5 2 5 2788 7.04
2 player Niall Huggins club 19 1 1 1 1338 6.91
32 player Trai Hume club 43 1 1 13 3845 7.23
4 player Corry Evans club - - - 0 - -
20 player Jack Clarke club 37 15 5 5 3236 7.77
17 player Abdoullah Ba club 36 3 4 8 1855 6.82
5 player Daniel Ballard club 40 3 - 12 3566 7.12
42 player Ajibola Alese club 5 - - 1 224 6.75

Southampton's Biggest Wins

Sunderland's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Ipswich Town logo Ipswich Town
43 89 26 11 6 85 32
Leicester City logo Leicester City
42 88 28 4 10 79 41
Leeds United logo Leeds United
43 87 26 9 8 76 42
Southampton logo Southampton
42 84 25 9 8 84 30
West Bromwich Albion logo West Bromwich Albion
43 72 20 12 11 66 24
Norwich City logo Norwich City
43 71 21 8 14 76 16
Hull City logo Hull City
42 65 18 11 13 62 8
Coventry City logo Coventry City
42 63 17 12 13 66 14
Middlesbrough logo Middlesbrough
43 63 18 9 16 61 5
Preston North End logo Preston North End
43 63 18 9 16 56 -4

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