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Head to Head Prediction: Rijnsburgse Boys VS Scheveningen

Rijnsburgse Boys

Home Form






Away Form







Home Form






Away Form






Head To Head

6 Wins
6 Draws
8 Wins

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Rijnsburgse Boys's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Scheveningen's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Rijnsburgse Boys Vs Scheveningen Season Stats

Performance Summary Rijnsburgse Boys Scheveningen
Total Wins 10 6
Home Wins 4 2
Away Wins 6 4
Total Draws 6 10
Home Draws 4 6
Away Draws 2 4
Total Lost 14 14
Home Losses 7 7
Away Losses 7 7
Total Goals For 41 38
Home Goals For 21 19
Away Goals For 20 19
Total Goals Against 50 56
Home Goals Against 26 29
Away Goals Against 24 27
Total Clean Sheet 4 5
Home Clean Sheet 2 2
Away Clean Sheet 2 3
Total Failed To Score 9 10
Home Failed To Score 4 6
Away Failed To Score 5 4
Total Av Goals Scored 1.37 1.27
Home Av Goals Scored 1.4 1.27
Away Av Goals Scored 1.33 1.27
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.67 1.87
Home Av Goals Conceded 1.73 1.93
Away Av Goals Conceded 1.6 1.8
Total 1st Goal Scored 45m 51m
Home 1st Goal Scored 45m 56m
Away 1st Goal Scored 44m 46m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 37m 38m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 44m 41m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 30m 34m
Goals Scoring Minutes Rijnsburgse Boys Scheveningen
0-15 4 (9.8%) 1 (2.6%)
15-30 5 (12.2%) 5 (13.2%)
30-45 3 (7.3%) 3 (7.9%)
45-60 11 (26.8%) 13 (34.2%)
60-75 8 (19.5%) 4 (10.5%)
75-90 10 (24.4%) 12 (31.6%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Rijnsburgse Boys Scheveningen
0-15 6 (12%) 5 (8.9%)
15-30 10 (20%) 5 (8.9%)
30-45 9 (18%) 14 (25%)
45-60 5 (10%) 11 (19.6%)
60-75 7 (14%) 8 (14.3%)
75-90 13 (26%) 13 (23.2%)
Combined Match Stats Rijnsburgse Boys Scheveningen
Attacks 2259 2948
Dangerous Attacks 1234 1602
Av Possession Percent 48.95 46.84
Fouls 86 62
Av Fouls Per Game 2.87 2.07
Offside 15 12
Red Cards 0 2
Yellow Cards 21 41
Shots Blocked 23 12
Shots Off Target 114 143
Av Shots Off Target 3.80 4.77
Shots On Target 100 99
Av Shots On Target 3.33 3.30
Total Corners 126 121
Av Corners 4.20 4.03
BTTS 60 56.67
Av Player Rating Per Match 0 0
Tackles 0 0
Total Match Goals Percentages Rijnsburgse Boys Scheveningen
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 93.33 100 93.33 93.33
Over 1.5 86.67 93.33 86.67 80
Over 2.5 60 60 66.67 53.33
Over 3.5 26.67 26.67 53.33 33.33
Over 4.5 26.67 13.33 20 26.67
Over 5.5 13.33 0 0 13.33
Under 0.5 6.67 0 6.67 6.67
Under 1.5 13.33 6.67 13.33 20
Under 2.5 40 40 33.33 46.67
Under 3.5 73.33 73.33 46.67 66.67
Under 4.5 73.33 86.67 80 73.33
Under 5.5 86.67 100 100 86.67

Rijnsburgse Boys Vs Scheveningen Past Matches

Rijnsburgse Boys Vs Scheveningen Match Stats

Performance Summary Scheveningen Rijnsburgse Boys
Shots Total 9 8
Shots Blocked 4 0
Shots Inside Box 4 6
Shots Outside Box 5 2
Passes Total 441 445
Accurate Passes 340 355
Pass Accuracy % 77 79
Total Attacks 143 138
Dangerous Attacks 82 70
Fouls 14 9
Corners 4 1
Offsides 2 0
Possession Time 50 50
Yellow Cards 3 2
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards 0 0
Saves 7 5
Substitutions 3 5
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe 185 161
Goals 0 2
Penalties 0 0
Injuries 1 0

Rijnsburgse Boys Vs Scheveningen Comparision

Rijnsburgse Boys Player Stats



Hein Leliveld

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
12 player Coen Hogewoning club - - - 0 - -
22 player Delano Asante club 28 4 1 2 2356 -
9 player Dani van der Moot club 30 5 5 1 2401 -
18 player Bram de Bruin club 13 1 1 1 551 -
11 player Furhgill Zeldenrust club 29 15 7 0 2505 -
23 player Mark Mieras club 5 - - 0 159 -
6 player Bram Ros club 16 2 2 3 1238 -
10 player Jeroen Spruijt club 22 1 5 1 1449 -
25 player Stijn Driebergen club - - - 0 - -
2 player Roderick Gielisse club 26 2 4 1 1936 -

Scheveningen Player Stats



John Blok

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
2 player Kevin Gomez-Nieto club 26 4 2 3 2300 -
3 player Ricardo de Vlugt club 2 - - 1 - -
23 player Barry Rog club 16 1 - 1 354 -
4 player Robert van Koesveld club 20 1 1 0 1525 -
16 player Gautam Kalpoe club 15 - 1 2 1115 -
5 player Ruben Koorndijk club 28 - 1 4 2444 -
10 player Mehmet Aldoğan club 12 - - 0 123 -
6 player Mitchell de Vlugt club 24 3 2 7 2141 -
9 player Michael de Niet club 26 3 1 0 1851 -
28 player Lex Immers club 25 3 5 6 2139 -

Rijnsburgse Boys's Biggest Wins

Scheveningen's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Spakenburg logo Spakenburg
30 70 22 4 4 75 41
De Treffers logo De Treffers
30 65 20 5 5 60 24
Quick Boys logo Quick Boys
30 57 17 6 7 61 23
Katwijk logo Katwijk
30 53 17 2 11 55 14
30 50 14 8 8 48 4
AFC logo AFC
30 48 13 9 8 53 9
Almere City II logo Almere City II
30 45 12 9 9 55 7
Jong Sparta logo Jong Sparta
30 43 13 4 13 49 5
ACV logo ACV
30 43 13 4 13 46 -2
HHC logo HHC
30 42 12 6 12 43 7

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