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Head to Head Prediction: Partizan VS Mladost Lučani


Home Form






Away Form






Mladost Lučani

Home Form






Away Form






Head To Head

2 Wins
5 Draws
11 Wins

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Partizan's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Mladost Lučani's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Partizan Vs Mladost Lučani Season Stats

Performance Summary Partizan Mladost Lučani
Total Wins 22 11
Home Wins 12 7
Away Wins 10 4
Total Draws 4 7
Home Draws 1 4
Away Draws 3 3
Total Lost 4 12
Home Losses 2 4
Away Losses 2 8
Total Goals For 66 30
Home Goals For 34 19
Away Goals For 32 11
Total Goals Against 35 40
Home Goals Against 18 15
Away Goals Against 17 25
Total Clean Sheet 10 12
Home Clean Sheet 4 7
Away Clean Sheet 6 5
Total Failed To Score 2 6
Home Failed To Score 2 1
Away Failed To Score 0 5
Total Av Goals Scored 2.2 1
Home Av Goals Scored 2.27 1.27
Away Av Goals Scored 2.13 0.73
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.17 1.33
Home Av Goals Conceded 1.2 1
Away Av Goals Conceded 1.13 1.67
Total 1st Goal Scored 46m 44m
Home 1st Goal Scored 40m 38m
Away 1st Goal Scored 52m 52m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 40m 38m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 42m 32m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 39m 46m
Goals Scoring Minutes Partizan Mladost Lučani
0-15 2 (3%) 7 (23.3%)
15-30 6 (9.1%) 3 (10%)
30-45 12 (18.2%) 8 (26.7%)
45-60 9 (13.6%) 2 (6.7%)
60-75 13 (19.7%) 3 (10%)
75-90 24 (36.4%) 7 (23.3%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Partizan Mladost Lučani
0-15 7 (20%) 6 (15%)
15-30 4 (11.4%) 4 (10%)
30-45 6 (17.1%) 3 (7.5%)
45-60 6 (17.1%) 7 (17.5%)
60-75 6 (17.1%) 9 (22.5%)
75-90 6 (17.1%) 11 (27.5%)
Combined Match Stats Partizan Mladost Lučani
Attacks 3166 2732
Dangerous Attacks 2265 1479
Av Possession Percent 52.87 45.87
Fouls 418 415
Av Fouls Per Game 13.93 13.83
Offside 41 64
Red Cards 4 4
Yellow Cards 58 55
Shots Blocked 135 49
Shots Off Target 196 124
Av Shots Off Target 6.53 4.13
Shots On Target 195 102
Av Shots On Target 6.50 3.40
Total Corners 184 101
Av Corners 6.13 3.37
BTTS 60 46.67
Av Player Rating Per Match 6.94 6.36
Tackles 392 364
Total Match Goals Percentages Partizan Mladost Lučani
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 100 100 93.33 93.33
Over 1.5 86.67 86.67 73.33 66.67
Over 2.5 73.33 66.67 40 40
Over 3.5 46.67 40 13.33 26.67
Over 4.5 20 26.67 6.67 13.33
Over 5.5 13.33 6.67 0 0
Under 0.5 0 0 6.67 6.67
Under 1.5 13.33 13.33 26.67 33.33
Under 2.5 26.67 33.33 60 60
Under 3.5 53.33 60 86.67 73.33
Under 4.5 80 73.33 93.33 86.67
Under 5.5 86.67 93.33 100 100

Partizan Vs Mladost Lučani Past Matches

Partizan Vs Mladost Lučani Match Stats

Performance Summary Mladost Lučani Partizan
Shots Total 10 23
Shots Blocked 1 13
Shots Inside Box 7 8
Shots Outside Box 3 15
Passes Total 237 657
Accurate Passes 159 569
Pass Accuracy % 67 87
Total Attacks 92 175
Dangerous Attacks 40 116
Fouls 11 11
Corners 3 9
Offsides 3 1
Possession Time 50 50
Yellow Cards 0 0
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards 0 0
Saves 5 2
Substitutions 2 5
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins 15 22
Ball Safe 98 105
Goals 1 1
Penalties 0 0
Injuries N/A N/A

Partizan Vs Mladost Lučani Comparision

Partizan Player Stats



Igor Duljaj

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
44 player Bogdan Mirčetić club - - - 0 - -
7 player Xander Severina club 25 6 1 2 1299 6.96
10 player Bibras Natcho club 27 9 7 6 1836 7.69
4 player Siniša Saničanin club 4 - - 1 352 6.78
11 player Matheus Bonifacio Saldanha Marinho club 22 16 4 7 1717 7.73
45 player Mateja Stjepanovic club 6 - 1 1 217 6.73
14 player Samed Baždar club 19 5 1 2 734 6.99
26 player Aleksandar Filipović club 14 1 2 3 832 7.00
20 player Andrija Pavlović club - - - 0 - -
1 player Aleksandar Jovanović club 28 - - 5 2469 6.95

Mladost Lučani Player Stats



Tomislav Sivić

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
42 player Dognimani Yacouba Silue club 25 4 1 5 1399 6.85
33 player Žarko Udovičić club 29 2 5 2 2511 7.09
27 player Vladimir Radivojević club 19 - 1 1 346 6.69
4 player Ivan Milošević club 20 2 - 4 1773 6.82
23 player Željko Samčović club - - - 0 - -
1 player Saša Stamenković club 30 - - 2 2700 7.38
8 player Janko Tumbasević club 28 1 - 8 2423 6.99
29 player Stefan Maksimović club - - - 0 - -
21 player Filip Žunić club 22 - - 3 517 6.43
47 player Marko Veličković club 20 4 - 3 1472 6.71

Partizan's Biggest Wins

Mladost Lučani's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Crvena Zvezda logo Crvena Zvezda
30 77 25 2 3 78 53
Partizan logo Partizan
30 70 22 4 4 66 31
Bačka Topola logo Bačka Topola
30 60 17 9 4 57 28
Vojvodina logo Vojvodina
30 50 14 8 8 49 7
Radnički Kragujevac logo Radnički Kragujevac
30 50 16 2 12 49 2
Čukarički logo Čukarički
30 48 13 9 8 44 11
Mladost Lučani logo Mladost Lučani
30 40 11 7 12 30 -10
Napredak logo Napredak
30 39 11 6 13 31 -8
Novi Pazar logo Novi Pazar
30 36 10 6 14 35 -5
Spartak Subotica logo Spartak Subotica
30 34 10 4 16 29 -15

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