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Head to Head Prediction: Levadia VS Tallinna Kalev


Home Form






Away Form






Tallinna Kalev

Home Form






Away Form






Head To Head

1 Wins
3 Draws
42 Wins

For predictions of upcoming matches, including head to head stats, lineups and player ratings, check out these h2h pages for future matches

Levadia's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Date Home Teams Away BTTS

Apr 28 11:30 AM

Meistriliiga home Tammeka away Levadia away Levadia 51.974 icon


May 01 11:30 AM

Meistriliiga home Levadia away Paide away Paide 56.926 icon


May 05 11:30 AM

Meistriliiga home Flora away Levadia away Levadia 60.644 icon


Tallinna Kalev's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Levadia Vs Tallinna Kalev Season Stats

Performance Summary Levadia Tallinna Kalev
Total Wins 7 2
Home Wins 3 1
Away Wins 4 1
Total Draws 1 3
Home Draws 1 1
Away Draws 0 2
Total Lost 0 3
Home Losses 0 2
Away Losses 0 1
Total Goals For 26 11
Home Goals For 11 5
Away Goals For 15 6
Total Goals Against 3 13
Home Goals Against 1 6
Away Goals Against 2 7
Total Clean Sheet 5 1
Home Clean Sheet 3 0
Away Clean Sheet 2 1
Total Failed To Score 0 2
Home Failed To Score 0 1
Away Failed To Score 0 1
Total Av Goals Scored 3.25 1.38
Home Av Goals Scored 2.75 1.25
Away Av Goals Scored 3.75 1.5
Total Av Goals Conceded 0.38 1.63
Home Av Goals Conceded 0.25 1.5
Away Av Goals Conceded 0.5 1.75
Total 1st Goal Scored 24m 47m
Home 1st Goal Scored 21m 70m
Away 1st Goal Scored 28m 25m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 50m 56m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 50m 54m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 50m 58m
Goals Scoring Minutes Levadia Tallinna Kalev
0-15 2 (7.7%) 2 (18.2%)
15-30 7 (26.9%) 1 (9.1%)
30-45 4 (15.4%) 1 (9.1%)
45-60 5 (19.2%) 1 (9.1%)
60-75 6 (23.1%) 2 (18.2%)
75-90 2 (7.7%) 4 (36.4%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Levadia Tallinna Kalev
0-15 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
15-30 1 (33.3%) 1 (7.7%)
30-45 0 (0%) 2 (15.4%)
45-60 1 (33.3%) 3 (23.1%)
60-75 0 (0%) 3 (23.1%)
75-90 1 (33.3%) 4 (30.8%)
Combined Match Stats Levadia Tallinna Kalev
Attacks 779 704
Dangerous Attacks 528 429
Av Possession Percent 64.00 47.13
Fouls 93 76
Av Fouls Per Game 11.63 9.50
Offside 8 17
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Cards 20 21
Shots Blocked 33 12
Shots Off Target 92 43
Av Shots Off Target 11.50 5.38
Shots On Target 70 37
Av Shots On Target 8.75 4.63
Total Corners 49 41
Av Corners 6.13 5.13
BTTS 37.5 62.5
Av Player Rating Per Match 0 0
Tackles 0 0
Total Match Goals Percentages Levadia Tallinna Kalev
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 100 100 100 100
Over 1.5 100 100 100 100
Over 2.5 25 75 50 75
Over 3.5 25 50 25 50
Over 4.5 25 50 0 0
Over 5.5 25 50 0 0
Under 0.5 0 0 0 0
Under 1.5 0 0 0 0
Under 2.5 75 25 50 25
Under 3.5 75 50 75 50
Under 4.5 75 50 100 100
Under 5.5 75 50 100 100

Levadia Vs Tallinna Kalev Past Matches

Date Home Teams Away SCore
16.04.2024 Meistriliiga home Tallinna Kalev away Levadia away Levadia 1- 2 stat


16.03.2024 Meistriliiga home Tallinna Kalev away Levadia away Levadia 0- 2 stat


07.10.2023 Meistriliiga home Tallinna Kalev away Levadia away Levadia 1- 2 stat


26.08.2023 Meistriliiga home Levadia away Tallinna Kalev away Tallinna Kalev 1- 1 stat


11.06.2023 Meistriliiga home Levadia away Tallinna Kalev away Tallinna Kalev 2- 1 stat


09.04.2023 Meistriliiga home Tallinna Kalev away Levadia away Levadia 0- 2 stat


11.09.2022 Meistriliiga home Tallinna Kalev away Levadia away Levadia 0- 3 stat


01.07.2022 Meistriliiga home Levadia away Tallinna Kalev away Tallinna Kalev 3- 1 stat


07.05.2022 Meistriliiga home Tallinna Kalev away Levadia away Levadia 0- 1 stat


01.03.2022 Meistriliiga home Levadia away Tallinna Kalev away Tallinna Kalev 5- 1 stat


Levadia Vs Tallinna Kalev Match Stats

Performance Summary Tallinna Kalev Levadia
Shots Total 7 32
Shots Blocked 3 4
Shots Inside Box 3 17
Shots Outside Box 4 15
Passes Total 233 552
Accurate Passes 164 482
Pass Accuracy % 70 87
Total Attacks 66 84
Dangerous Attacks 45 84
Fouls 13 10
Corners 5 4
Offsides 1 2
Possession Time 36 64
Yellow Cards 2 2
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards N/A N/A
Saves 10 2
Substitutions 5 4
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe N/A N/A
Goals 1 2
Penalties 0 1
Injuries N/A N/A

Levadia Vs Tallinna Kalev Comparision

Levadia Player Stats



Cristóbal Emilio Torres Ruíz

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
10 player Ioan Jakovlev club 8 - 3 2 529 -
11 player Mihkel Ainsalu club 8 5 2 1 691 -
23 player Frank Liivak club 6 1 - 1 132 -
24 player Aleksandr Zakarlyuka club 4 - - 0 27 -
25 player Ken Kallaste club 2 1 - 0 134 -
7 player Edgar Tur club 8 - 1 2 632 -
36 player João Pedro de Moura Siembarski club 8 1 4 2 625 -
29 player Nikita Vassiljev club 4 - 1 0 88 -
1 player Oliver Ani club - - - 0 - -
2 player Michael Schjonning-Larsen club 8 1 1 1 720 -

Tallinna Kalev Player Stats



Daniel Meijel

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
11 player Tristan Toomas Teeväli club 6 - 1 0 408 -
1 player G. Pank club 7 1 - 5 608 -
37 player Daniil Sheviakov club 4 - - 1 130 -
26 player Marek Kaljumäe club 8 1 - 1 649 -
35 player Mikk Johannes Siitam club 2 - - 1 83 -
88 player Oskari Forsman club 7 - - 0 630 -
22 player Daniil Sõtšugov club 8 - - 1 720 -
12 player Ats Purje club 8 1 - 1 395 -
17 player Ramon Smirnov club 3 - 1 0 124 -
6 player Hugo Palutaja club 8 1 1 0 720 -

Levadia's Biggest Wins

Tallinna Kalev's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Levadia logo Levadia
8 22 7 1 0 26 23
Paide logo Paide
8 15 5 0 3 15 6
Nõmme Kalju logo Nõmme Kalju
7 14 4 2 1 16 7
Flora logo Flora
8 12 3 3 2 15 2
Tammeka logo Tammeka
7 11 3 2 2 10 5
Tallinna Kalev logo Tallinna Kalev
8 9 2 3 3 11 -2
Kuressaare logo Kuressaare
7 9 3 0 4 13 -6
Vaprus logo Vaprus
7 4 1 1 5 7 -8
Nõmme United logo Nõmme United
7 4 1 1 5 3 -9
Trans logo Trans
7 4 1 1 5 7 -18

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