Accurate Kastrioti Krujë vs Bylis Ballsh Head to head prediction by our experts at - Detailed stats analysis of all past matches to provide the best predictions, tips and picks for this football H2H including BTTS, Over / Under and most likely match score.

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Head to Head Prediction: Kastrioti Krujë VS Bylis Ballsh

Kastrioti Krujë

Home Form






Away Form






Bylis Ballsh

Home Form






Away Form






Head To Head

8 Wins
3 Draws
10 Wins

For predictions of upcoming matches, including head to head stats, lineups and player ratings, check out these h2h pages for future matches

Kastrioti Krujë's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Bylis Ballsh's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Kastrioti Krujë Vs Bylis Ballsh Season Stats

Performance Summary Kastrioti Krujë Bylis Ballsh
Total Wins 7 21
Home Wins 6 12
Away Wins 1 9
Total Draws 9 4
Home Draws 6 3
Away Draws 3 1
Total Lost 13 4
Home Losses 2 0
Away Losses 11 4
Total Goals For 33 48
Home Goals For 18 26
Away Goals For 15 22
Total Goals Against 44 22
Home Goals Against 13 7
Away Goals Against 31 15
Total Clean Sheet 6 14
Home Clean Sheet 5 9
Away Clean Sheet 1 5
Total Failed To Score 8 3
Home Failed To Score 3 2
Away Failed To Score 5 1
Total Av Goals Scored 1.14 1.66
Home Av Goals Scored 1.29 1.73
Away Av Goals Scored 1 1.57
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.52 0.76
Home Av Goals Conceded 0.93 0.47
Away Av Goals Conceded 2.07 1.07
Total 1st Goal Scored 44m 46m
Home 1st Goal Scored 36m 44m
Away 1st Goal Scored 54m 47m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 32m 46m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 29m 43m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 38m 50m
Goals Scoring Minutes Kastrioti Krujë Bylis Ballsh
0-15 5 (15.2%) 5 (10.4%)
15-30 0 (0%) 7 (14.6%)
30-45 5 (15.2%) 7 (14.6%)
45-60 9 (27.3%) 5 (10.4%)
60-75 7 (21.2%) 15 (31.3%)
75-90 7 (21.2%) 9 (18.8%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Kastrioti Krujë Bylis Ballsh
0-15 4 (9.1%) 1 (4.5%)
15-30 13 (29.5%) 5 (22.7%)
30-45 8 (18.2%) 4 (18.2%)
45-60 6 (13.6%) 5 (22.7%)
60-75 4 (9.1%) 2 (9.1%)
75-90 9 (20.5%) 5 (22.7%)
Combined Match Stats Kastrioti Krujë Bylis Ballsh
Attacks 1416 1028
Dangerous Attacks 922 585
Av Possession Percent 49.44 48.75
Fouls 15 47
Av Fouls Per Game 0.52 1.62
Offside 6 7
Red Cards 0 1
Yellow Cards 14 25
Shots Blocked 1 9
Shots Off Target 48 62
Av Shots Off Target 1.66 2.14
Shots On Target 33 30
Av Shots On Target 1.14 1.03
Total Corners 55 37
Av Corners 1.90 1.28
BTTS 62.07 48.28
Av Player Rating Per Match 0 0
Tackles 0 0
Total Match Goals Percentages Kastrioti Krujë Bylis Ballsh
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 85.71 93.33 86.67 100
Over 1.5 64.29 80 66.67 78.57
Over 2.5 35.71 53.33 33.33 57.14
Over 3.5 28.57 53.33 26.67 21.43
Over 4.5 7.14 20 6.67 7.14
Over 5.5 0 6.67 0 0
Under 0.5 14.29 6.67 13.33 0
Under 1.5 35.71 20 33.33 21.43
Under 2.5 64.29 46.67 66.67 42.86
Under 3.5 71.43 46.67 73.33 78.57
Under 4.5 92.86 80 93.33 92.86
Under 5.5 100 93.33 100 100

Kastrioti Krujë Vs Bylis Ballsh Past Matches

Kastrioti Krujë Vs Bylis Ballsh Match Stats

Performance Summary Bylis Ballsh Kastrioti Krujë
Shots Total 0 0
Shots Blocked N/A N/A
Shots Inside Box N/A N/A
Shots Outside Box N/A N/A
Passes Total N/A N/A
Accurate Passes N/A N/A
Pass Accuracy % N/A N/A
Total Attacks N/A N/A
Dangerous Attacks N/A N/A
Fouls N/A N/A
Corners N/A N/A
Offsides N/A N/A
Possession Time N/A N/A
Yellow Cards N/A N/A
Red Cards N/A N/A
Yellow Red Cards N/A N/A
Saves N/A N/A
Substitutions N/A N/A
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe N/A N/A
Goals 2 0
Penalties N/A N/A
Injuries N/A N/A

Kastrioti Krujë Vs Bylis Ballsh Comparision

Performance Summary Kastrioti Krujë Bylis Ballsh
Top Scorer Dejvid Kapllani(10) Camara Aboubacar(8)
Top Assists N/A N/A
Most Appearances Livio Malaj(26) Renato Beqaj(29)
Most Mins Played Livio Malaj(2340) Renato Beqaj(2610)
Most Cards Joan Çela(8) Camara Aboubacar(8)

Kastrioti Krujë Player Stats



Ramazan Ndreu

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
player Stuart Gjeta club - - - 0 - -
17 player Eneid Kodra club 25 1 - 5 2197 -
11 player Zajsar Arjanit Arapi club 25 2 - 2 1839 -
1 player Livio Malaj club 26 - - 1 2340 -
10 player Xhuljo Mehmeti club 21 2 - 2 1264 -
20 player Enes Kuka club 20 - - 1 1319 -
33 player Realf Zhivanaj club 13 - - 1 835 -
18 player Kelvin Edo Dosseh club 24 - - 6 1963 -
12 player Tomas Kiri club 4 - - 0 270 -
22 player Omar Musaj club 26 2 - 2 1747 -

Bylis Ballsh Player Stats



Arjan Bellaj

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
17 player Camara Aboubacar club 27 8 - 8 2071 -
16 player Xhejson Ndreu club 6 - - 1 191 -
2 player Aleksandër Trumci club 25 2 - 8 2146 -
77 player Marin Abazaj club 27 3 - 6 2426 -
10 player Serxhio Emini club 23 6 - 4 1640 -
12 player Renato Beqaj club 29 - - 2 2610 -
3 player Krenar Skënderaj club - - - 0 - -
player Ariel Muçollari club - - - 0 - -
8 player Xhoeli Maçolli club 26 1 - 4 2033 -
18 player Flamur Ruçi club 27 6 - 3 1904 -

Kastrioti Krujë's Biggest Wins

Bylis Ballsh's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
AF Elbasani logo AF Elbasani
29 69 21 6 2 64 36
Bylis Ballsh logo Bylis Ballsh
29 67 21 4 4 48 26
Flamurtari logo Flamurtari
29 54 15 9 5 41 19
Vora logo Vora
29 45 14 3 12 55 10
Apolonia Fier logo Apolonia Fier
29 43 11 10 8 39 13
Korabi Peshkopi logo Korabi Peshkopi
29 40 11 7 11 33 3
Besa Kavajë logo Besa Kavajë
29 31 8 7 14 32 -13
Burreli logo Burreli
29 31 9 4 16 20 -16
Lushnja logo Lushnja
29 31 8 7 14 34 -17
Kastrioti Krujë logo Kastrioti Krujë
29 30 7 9 13 33 -11

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