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Head to Head Prediction: Jong Utrecht VS VVV-Venlo

Jong Utrecht

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Head To Head

1 Wins
3 Draws
4 Wins

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Jong Utrecht's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

VVV-Venlo's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Jong Utrecht Vs VVV-Venlo Season Stats

Performance Summary Jong Utrecht VVV-Venlo
Total Wins 5 12
Home Wins 4 9
Away Wins 1 3
Total Draws 9 9
Home Draws 6 3
Away Draws 3 6
Total Lost 21 14
Home Losses 7 5
Away Losses 14 9
Total Goals For 29 49
Home Goals For 15 31
Away Goals For 14 18
Total Goals Against 69 53
Home Goals Against 22 25
Away Goals Against 47 28
Total Clean Sheet 7 6
Home Clean Sheet 6 3
Away Clean Sheet 1 3
Total Failed To Score 16 9
Home Failed To Score 7 2
Away Failed To Score 9 7
Total Av Goals Scored 0.83 1.4
Home Av Goals Scored 0.88 1.82
Away Av Goals Scored 0.78 1
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.97 1.51
Home Av Goals Conceded 1.29 1.47
Away Av Goals Conceded 2.61 1.56
Total 1st Goal Scored 44m 38m
Home 1st Goal Scored 46m 41m
Away 1st Goal Scored 41m 33m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 38m 39m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 32m 38m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 48m 41m
Goals Scoring Minutes Jong Utrecht VVV-Venlo
0-15 2 (6.9%) 7 (14.3%)
15-30 5 (17.2%) 8 (16.3%)
30-45 9 (31%) 7 (14.3%)
45-60 3 (10.3%) 7 (14.3%)
60-75 4 (13.8%) 5 (10.2%)
75-90 6 (20.7%) 15 (30.6%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Jong Utrecht VVV-Venlo
0-15 7 (10.1%) 8 (15.1%)
15-30 3 (4.3%) 5 (9.4%)
30-45 16 (23.2%) 8 (15.1%)
45-60 11 (15.9%) 10 (18.9%)
60-75 19 (27.5%) 14 (26.4%)
75-90 13 (18.8%) 8 (15.1%)
Combined Match Stats Jong Utrecht VVV-Venlo
Attacks 4381 3403
Dangerous Attacks 2112 1766
Av Possession Percent 45.06 48.57
Fouls 440 376
Av Fouls Per Game 12.57 10.74
Offside 69 32
Red Cards 3 5
Yellow Cards 69 51
Shots Blocked 90 99
Shots Off Target 142 156
Av Shots Off Target 4.06 4.46
Shots On Target 139 181
Av Shots On Target 3.97 5.17
Total Corners 151 164
Av Corners 4.31 4.69
BTTS 45.71 62.86
Av Player Rating Per Match 6.65 6.76
Tackles 555 539
Total Match Goals Percentages Jong Utrecht VVV-Venlo
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 82.35 94.44 100 88.89
Over 1.5 58.82 88.89 94.12 77.78
Over 2.5 29.41 66.67 70.59 61.11
Over 3.5 17.65 38.89 52.94 16.67
Over 4.5 17.65 27.78 11.76 5.56
Over 5.5 5.88 22.22 0 5.56
Under 0.5 17.65 5.56 0 11.11
Under 1.5 41.18 11.11 5.88 22.22
Under 2.5 70.59 33.33 29.41 38.89
Under 3.5 82.35 61.11 47.06 83.33
Under 4.5 82.35 72.22 88.24 94.44
Under 5.5 94.12 77.78 100 94.44

Jong Utrecht Vs VVV-Venlo Past Matches

Jong Utrecht Vs VVV-Venlo Match Stats

Performance Summary Jong Utrecht VVV-Venlo
Shots Total 5 6
Shots Blocked 2 2
Shots Inside Box 4 3
Shots Outside Box 1 3
Passes Total 575 405
Accurate Passes 442 282
Pass Accuracy % 76.87 69.63
Total Attacks 149 141
Dangerous Attacks 53 58
Fouls 12 7
Corners 4 4
Offsides 0 1
Possession Time 58 42
Yellow Cards 2 0
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards 0 0
Saves 3 2
Substitutions 4 1
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins 35 37
Ball Safe 131 125
Goals 0 0
Penalties 0 0
Injuries N/A N/A

Jong Utrecht Vs VVV-Venlo Comparision

Jong Utrecht Player Stats



Ivar van Dinteren

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
player Kevin Gadellaa club 13 - - 0 1170 7.20
player A. Oehlers club 16 - - 0 479 6.66
player Wessel Kooy club 28 1 - 4 2486 6.74
player Tobias Augustinus-Jensen club 18 3 1 2 910 6.76
player Yannick Leliendal club 9 - 2 3 804 7.24
player Gibson Yah club 20 - 2 2 1152 7.02
player Lynden Edhart club 22 3 - 3 902 6.78
player Ivar Jenner club 11 - 1 2 888 7.02
player Olivier van Eldik club 17 - 3 0 1138 6.81
player Achraf Boumenjal club 14 - - 3 604 6.52

VVV-Venlo Player Stats



Rick Kruijs

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
30 player Jens Craenmehr club 1 - - 0 - -
5 player Simon Jansson club 34 2 6 5 3060 7.18
14 player Levi Smans club 32 8 5 4 2691 7.22
13 player Richard Sedláček club 26 1 1 3 1250 6.72
15 player Stan Hendrikx club 10 - - 0 329 6.80
12 player Joep Kluskens club 27 - - 2 1766 6.71
2 player Robin Lathouwers club 20 1 2 1 988 6.89
16 player Robert Klaasen club 13 - 1 4 589 6.70
4 player Rick Ketting club 34 5 1 5 3060 7.01
11 player Thijme Verheijen club 21 3 1 0 1047 6.88

Jong Utrecht's Biggest Wins

VVV-Venlo's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Willem II logo Willem II
35 74 22 8 5 72 41
Roda JC Kerkrade logo Roda JC Kerkrade
35 71 20 11 4 66 35
FC Groningen logo FC Groningen
35 70 21 7 7 67 39
FC Dordrecht logo FC Dordrecht
35 66 18 12 5 69 23
ADO Den Haag logo ADO Den Haag
35 59 16 11 8 66 21
De Graafschap logo De Graafschap
35 59 18 5 12 55 7
Jong AZ logo Jong AZ
35 52 15 7 13 55 -1
NAC Breda logo NAC Breda
35 51 14 9 12 58 5
MVV Maastricht logo MVV Maastricht
35 50 14 8 13 59 4
FC Emmen logo FC Emmen
35 48 14 6 15 52 -6

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