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Head to Head Prediction: Hohenems VS Rheindorf Altach II


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Away Form






Rheindorf Altach II

Home Form






Away Form






Head To Head

9 Wins
2 Draws
2 Wins

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Hohenems's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Rheindorf Altach II's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Hohenems Vs Rheindorf Altach II Season Stats

Performance Summary Hohenems Rheindorf Altach II
Total Wins 10 10
Home Wins 6 6
Away Wins 4 4
Total Draws 7 5
Home Draws 3 3
Away Draws 4 2
Total Lost 4 6
Home Losses 1 1
Away Losses 3 5
Total Goals For 44 36
Home Goals For 21 24
Away Goals For 23 12
Total Goals Against 28 25
Home Goals Against 9 12
Away Goals Against 19 13
Total Clean Sheet 6 6
Home Clean Sheet 5 3
Away Clean Sheet 1 3
Total Failed To Score 4 7
Home Failed To Score 1 2
Away Failed To Score 3 5
Total Av Goals Scored 2.1 1.71
Home Av Goals Scored 2.1 2.4
Away Av Goals Scored 2.09 1.09
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.33 1.19
Home Av Goals Conceded 0.9 1.2
Away Av Goals Conceded 1.73 1.18
Total 1st Goal Scored 39m 28m
Home 1st Goal Scored 38m 32m
Away 1st Goal Scored 40m 23m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 41m 56m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 53m 59m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 13m 54m
Goals Scoring Minutes Hohenems Rheindorf Altach II
0-15 5 (11.1%) 5 (13.9%)
15-30 6 (13.3%) 8 (22.2%)
30-45 4 (8.9%) 5 (13.9%)
45-60 13 (28.9%) 6 (16.7%)
60-75 9 (20%) 3 (8.3%)
75-90 8 (17.8%) 9 (25%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Hohenems Rheindorf Altach II
0-15 3 (11.5%) 1 (3.8%)
15-30 4 (15.4%) 2 (7.7%)
30-45 2 (7.7%) 6 (23.1%)
45-60 4 (15.4%) 3 (11.5%)
60-75 4 (15.4%) 5 (19.2%)
75-90 9 (34.6%) 9 (34.6%)
Combined Match Stats Hohenems Rheindorf Altach II
Attacks 1410 427
Dangerous Attacks 854 236
Av Possession Percent 49.50 40.00
Fouls 0 0
Av Fouls Per Game 0.00 0.00
Offside 0 0
Red Cards 1 1
Yellow Cards 37 7
Shots Blocked 0 0
Shots Off Target 92 27
Av Shots Off Target 4.38 1.29
Shots On Target 75 23
Av Shots On Target 3.57 1.10
Total Corners 66 20
Av Corners 3.14 0.95
BTTS 57.14 47.62
Av Player Rating Per Match 0 0
Tackles 0 0
Total Match Goals Percentages Hohenems Rheindorf Altach II
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 100 90.91 90 90.91
Over 1.5 90 72.73 60 45.45
Over 2.5 50 63.64 50 27.27
Over 3.5 30 54.55 50 18.18
Over 4.5 20 27.27 40 9.09
Over 5.5 10 27.27 30 9.09
Under 0.5 0 9.09 10 9.09
Under 1.5 10 27.27 40 54.55
Under 2.5 50 36.36 50 72.73
Under 3.5 70 45.45 50 81.82
Under 4.5 80 72.73 60 90.91
Under 5.5 90 72.73 70 90.91

Hohenems Vs Rheindorf Altach II Past Matches

Hohenems Vs Rheindorf Altach II Match Stats

Performance Summary Rheindorf Altach II Hohenems
Shots Total 11 16
Shots Blocked N/A N/A
Shots Inside Box N/A N/A
Shots Outside Box N/A N/A
Passes Total N/A N/A
Accurate Passes N/A N/A
Pass Accuracy % N/A N/A
Total Attacks 77 117
Dangerous Attacks 50 67
Fouls N/A N/A
Corners 5 5
Offsides N/A N/A
Possession Time N/A N/A
Yellow Cards 2 2
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards 0 0
Saves N/A N/A
Substitutions 2 3
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe 87 64
Goals 4 4
Penalties 1 1
Injuries 0 1

Hohenems Vs Rheindorf Altach II Comparision

Performance Summary Hohenems Rheindorf Altach II
Top Scorer Valdir(20) Damian Maksimovic(10)
Top Assists N/A N/A
Most Appearances Pierre Nagler(21) Emre Yabantas(21)
Most Mins Played Pierre Nagler(1839) Emre Yabantas(1762)
Most Cards André Ganahl(6) Danso Ruben Djana Casado(8)

Hohenems Player Stats



Martin Joseph Brenner

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
player Luca Vater club 16 - - 2 1348 -
player Tim Wolfgang club 20 - - 5 1800 -
player Özkan Demir club 2 - - 0 24 -
player Alejandro Dominguez Mora club 9 - - 3 141 -
player André Ganahl club 20 - - 6 1632 -
player Nikola Potic club 1 - - 0 - -
player Mert Can Ünal club 20 2 - 1 1190 -
player Alexander Vonach club 2 - - 0 180 -
player David Fussenegger club - - - 0 - -
player Nicolas Martinovic club 5 - - 0 57 -

Rheindorf Altach II Player Stats



Louis Clément Ngwat-Mahop

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
player Christian Schöpf club - - - 0 - -
player Behar Dalipi club - - - 0 - -
player Janis Hug club 6 - - 0 119 -
player Tobias Frick club 7 - - 0 172 -
player Luca Nizic club - - - 0 - -
player Noah Ender club 1 - - 0 90 -
player Eray Seckin Kurt club 4 - - 0 3 -
player Fabio Neuschmied club 3 - - 0 - -
player Furkan Kilic club 2 - - 0 95 -
player Adem Draganovic club - - - 0 - -

Hohenems's Biggest Wins

Rheindorf Altach II's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Austria Salzburg logo Austria Salzburg
21 46 14 4 3 56 34
Pinzgau Saalfelden logo Pinzgau Saalfelden
21 42 13 3 5 39 19
Hohenems logo Hohenems
21 37 10 7 4 44 16
SVG Reichenau logo SVG Reichenau
21 36 10 6 5 40 17
Rheindorf Altach II logo Rheindorf Altach II
21 35 10 5 6 36 11
Imst logo Imst
21 35 9 8 4 45 6
Silz / Mötz logo Silz / Mötz
21 34 11 1 9 56 12
Wals-Grünau logo Wals-Grünau
21 33 9 6 6 32 -2
Bischofshofen logo Bischofshofen
21 32 10 2 9 46 10
Schwaz logo Schwaz
21 27 7 6 8 31 4

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