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Head to Head Prediction: Famalicão VS Rio Ave


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Rio Ave

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Away Form






Head To Head



Last 13 Matches


Rio Ave

4 Wins
8 Draws
1 Wins

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Famalicão's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Rio Ave's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Famalicão Vs Rio Ave Season Stats

Performance Summary Famalicão Rio Ave
Total Wins 8 5
Home Wins 5 5
Away Wins 3 0
Total Draws 11 16
Home Draws 5 7
Away Draws 6 9
Total Lost 10 9
Home Losses 4 3
Away Losses 6 6
Total Goals For 31 32
Home Goals For 16 22
Away Goals For 15 10
Total Goals Against 36 38
Home Goals Against 17 18
Away Goals Against 19 20
Total Clean Sheet 6 10
Home Clean Sheet 4 6
Away Clean Sheet 2 4
Total Failed To Score 10 9
Home Failed To Score 4 2
Away Failed To Score 6 7
Total Av Goals Scored 1.07 1.07
Home Av Goals Scored 1.14 1.47
Away Av Goals Scored 1 0.67
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.24 1.27
Home Av Goals Conceded 1.21 1.2
Away Av Goals Conceded 1.27 1.33
Total 1st Goal Scored 32m 41m
Home 1st Goal Scored 36m 51m
Away 1st Goal Scored 28m 25m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 46m 41m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 56m 42m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 33m 39m
Goals Scoring Minutes Famalicão Rio Ave
0-15 6 (19.4%) 6 (18.8%)
15-30 4 (12.9%) 2 (6.3%)
30-45 9 (29%) 6 (18.8%)
45-60 2 (6.5%) 8 (25%)
60-75 6 (19.4%) 5 (15.6%)
75-90 4 (12.9%) 5 (15.6%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Famalicão Rio Ave
0-15 5 (13.9%) 6 (15.8%)
15-30 3 (8.3%) 4 (10.5%)
30-45 7 (19.4%) 4 (10.5%)
45-60 4 (11.1%) 5 (13.2%)
60-75 8 (22.2%) 6 (15.8%)
75-90 9 (25%) 13 (34.2%)
Combined Match Stats Famalicão Rio Ave
Attacks 2589 2949
Dangerous Attacks 1150 1141
Av Possession Percent 46.41 49.60
Fouls 437 441
Av Fouls Per Game 15.07 14.70
Offside 67 66
Red Cards 7 4
Yellow Cards 93 82
Shots Blocked 103 72
Shots Off Target 179 153
Av Shots Off Target 6.17 5.10
Shots On Target 108 101
Av Shots On Target 3.72 3.37
Total Corners 133 113
Av Corners 4.59 3.77
BTTS 55.17 53.33
Av Player Rating Per Match 6.8 6.68
Tackles 468 484
Total Match Goals Percentages Famalicão Rio Ave
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 85.71 93.33 93.33 73.33
Over 1.5 64.29 66.67 86.67 66.67
Over 2.5 50 40 33.33 33.33
Over 3.5 28.57 20 20 20
Over 4.5 7.14 6.67 13.33 6.67
Over 5.5 0 0 13.33 0
Under 0.5 14.29 6.67 6.67 26.67
Under 1.5 35.71 33.33 13.33 33.33
Under 2.5 50 60 66.67 66.67
Under 3.5 71.43 80 80 80
Under 4.5 92.86 93.33 86.67 93.33
Under 5.5 100 100 86.67 100

Famalicão Vs Rio Ave Past Matches

Famalicão Vs Rio Ave Match Stats

Performance Summary Famalicão Rio Ave
Shots Total 15 12
Shots Blocked 3 3
Shots Inside Box 9 8
Shots Outside Box 6 4
Passes Total 394 401
Accurate Passes 312 324
Pass Accuracy % 79 81
Total Attacks 88 90
Dangerous Attacks 34 40
Fouls 14 20
Corners 4 7
Offsides 1 1
Possession Time 49 51
Yellow Cards 4 5
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards 0 0
Saves 4 4
Substitutions 5 5
Goal Kicks 9 6
Goal Attampts 11 8
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins 20 31
Ball Safe 75 83
Goals 2 1
Penalties 0 2
Injuries 1 0

Famalicão Vs Rio Ave Comparision

Famalicão Player Stats



Armando Evangelista Macedo Freitas

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
31 player Luiz Lúcio Reis Júnior club 29 - - 2 2610 7.28
15 player Riccieli Eduardo da Silva Junior club 19 1 1 7 1370 6.80
4 player Enea Mihaj club 15 - - 5 1290 7.02
7 player José Luis Rodríguez Francis club 18 - 3 3 1131 6.83
29 player Jhonder Leonel Cádiz Fernández club 26 13 - 9 1970 7.16
95 player Théo Luis Fonseca club 14 2 - 0 651 6.74
32 player Martín Aguirregabiria Padilla club 21 - - 4 980 6.70
8 player Mirko Topić club 27 - 1 6 1972 6.90
74 player Francisco Sampaio Moura club 28 1 3 6 2520 7.20
1 player Ivan Zlobin club - - - 1 - -

Rio Ave Player Stats



Luís Carlos Batalha Freire

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
18 player Jhonatan Luiz da Siqueira club 23 - - 3 2070 7.36
33 player Aderllan Leandro de Jesus Santos club 28 3 - 6 2488 7.21
42 player Renato Pantalon club 15 - - 6 1026 6.66
21 player João Pedro Salazar da Graça club 25 - - 8 1032 6.67
20 player João Pedro Loureiro da Costa club 30 2 4 4 2691 7.11
70 player José Manuel Silva Oliveira club 21 2 - 1 497 6.75
16 player Sávio Antônio Alves club 7 - 1 1 251 6.47
23 player Josué Humberto Gonçalves Leal Sá club 24 - 1 6 1967 6.91
22 player Emmanuel Okyere Boateng club 23 6 2 7 1497 6.90
82 player Audenirton Soares da Silva club 7 - - 0 630 6.86

Famalicão's Biggest Wins

Rio Ave's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Sporting CP logo Sporting CP
29 77 25 2 2 84 57
Benfica logo Benfica
29 70 22 4 3 65 42
Porto logo Porto
29 59 18 5 6 53 30
Sporting Braga logo Sporting Braga
29 59 18 5 6 61 21
Vitória SC logo Vitória SC
29 57 17 6 6 45 16
Arouca logo Arouca
30 44 13 5 12 51 11
Moreirense logo Moreirense
29 43 12 7 10 30 -3
Famalicão logo Famalicão
29 35 8 11 10 31 -5
Casa Pia logo Casa Pia
29 32 8 8 13 29 -12
Farense logo Farense
29 31 8 7 14 38 -3

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