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Head to Head Prediction: Deportivo Alavés VS Levante

Deportivo Alavés

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Away Form







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Away Form






Head To Head

4 Wins
5 Draws
9 Wins

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Deportivo Alavés's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Levante's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Deportivo Alavés Vs Levante Season Stats

Performance Summary Deportivo Alavés Levante
Total Wins N/A 12
Home Wins N/A 9
Away Wins N/A 3
Total Draws N/A 15
Home Draws N/A 6
Away Draws N/A 9
Total Lost N/A 8
Home Losses N/A 3
Away Losses N/A 5
Total Goals For N/A 42
Home Goals For N/A 27
Away Goals For N/A 15
Total Goals Against N/A 40
Home Goals Against N/A 23
Away Goals Against N/A 17
Total Clean Sheet N/A 14
Home Clean Sheet N/A 6
Away Clean Sheet N/A 8
Total Failed To Score N/A 9
Home Failed To Score N/A 3
Away Failed To Score N/A 6
Total Av Goals Scored N/A 1.2
Home Av Goals Scored N/A 1.5
Away Av Goals Scored N/A 0.88
Total Av Goals Conceded N/A 1.14
Home Av Goals Conceded N/A 1.28
Away Av Goals Conceded N/A 1
Total 1st Goal Scored N/A 39m
Home 1st Goal Scored N/A 38m
Away 1st Goal Scored N/A 40m
Total 1st Goal Conceded N/A 41m
Home 1st Goal Conceded N/A 49m
Away 1st Goal Conceded N/A 36m
Goals Scoring Minutes Deportivo Alavés Levante
0-15 - 5 (11.9%)
15-30 - 5 (11.9%)
30-45 - 12 (28.6%)
45-60 - 5 (11.9%)
60-75 - 8 (19%)
75-90 - 7 (16.7%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Deportivo Alavés Levante
0-15 - 4 (10%)
15-30 - 4 (10%)
30-45 - 5 (12.5%)
45-60 - 10 (25%)
60-75 - 10 (25%)
75-90 - 7 (17.5%)
Combined Match Stats Deportivo Alavés Levante
Attacks N/A 3646
Dangerous Attacks N/A 1574
Av Possession Percent N/A 50.97
Fouls N/A 516
Av Fouls Per Game N/A 14.74
Offside N/A 70
Red Cards N/A 4
Yellow Cards N/A 80
Shots Blocked N/A 126
Shots Off Target N/A 188
Av Shots Off Target N/A 5.37
Shots On Target N/A 144
Av Shots On Target N/A 4.11
Total Corners N/A 186
Av Corners N/A 5.31
BTTS N/A 57.14
Av Player Rating Per Match N/A 6.81
Tackles N/A 548
Total Match Goals Percentages Deportivo Alavés Levante
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 - - 83.33 70.59
Over 1.5 - - 72.22 64.71
Over 2.5 - - 55.56 29.41
Over 3.5 - - 33.33 17.65
Over 4.5 - - 27.78 5.88
Over 5.5 - - 5.56 0
Under 0.5 - - 16.67 29.41
Under 1.5 - - 27.78 35.29
Under 2.5 - - 44.44 70.59
Under 3.5 - - 66.67 82.35
Under 4.5 - - 72.22 94.12
Under 5.5 - - 94.44 100

Deportivo Alavés Vs Levante Past Matches

Deportivo Alavés Vs Levante Match Stats

Performance Summary Levante Deportivo Alavés
Shots Total 18 16
Shots Blocked 4 2
Shots Inside Box 7 9
Shots Outside Box 11 7
Passes Total 493 465
Accurate Passes 351 319
Pass Accuracy % 71.2 68.6
Total Attacks 136 143
Dangerous Attacks 38 51
Fouls 22 23
Corners 5 6
Offsides 1 3
Possession Time 51 49
Yellow Cards 5 5
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards 0 0
Saves 4 3
Substitutions 5 6
Goal Kicks 12 15
Goal Attampts 12 14
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins 25 33
Ball Safe 123 133
Goals 0 1
Penalties 0 1
Injuries 2 1

Deportivo Alavés Vs Levante Comparision

Performance Summary Deportivo Alavés Levante
Top Scorer N/A Mohamed Bouldini(7)
Top Assists N/A Sergio Lozano(7)
Most Appearances N/A Oriol Rey(31)
Most Mins Played N/A Oriol Rey(2470)
Most Cards N/A Álex Muñoz(8)

Deportivo Alavés Player Stats



Luis García Plaza

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
27 player Javier López Carballo club 26 - 3 2 1869 6.81
11 player Luis Jesús Rioja González club 31 4 4 3 2392 7.05
21 player Abderrahman Rebbach club 21 1 - 1 687 6.74
17 player Xeber Alkain Mitxelena club 9 - - 1 269 6.75
23 player Carlos Nahuel Benavídez Protesoni club 24 1 1 3 727 6.76
4 player Aleksandar Sedlar club 11 1 - 2 949 6.72
18 player Jon Guridi Aldalur club 29 - 4 1 2154 6.81
31 player Jesús Lázaro Owono Ngua Akeng club - - - 0 - -
5 player Abdelkabir Abqar club 21 - - 9 1820 6.85
1 player Antonio Sivera Salvá club 31 - - 2 2790 6.97

Levante Player Stats



Felipe Miñambres Fernández

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
11 player Alejandro Cantero Sánchez club 21 1 2 4 809 6.71
1 player Joan Femenías del Salto club 8 - - 1 720 6.91
19 player Robert Ibáñez Castro club 14 - - 1 306 6.61
3 player Alejandro José Muñoz Miguel club 29 1 - 8 2395 7.00
22 player Mohamed Bouldini club 30 7 - 8 1862 6.92
7 player Roger Brugué Ayguadé club 29 5 4 2 1223 6.84
10 player Pablo Martínez Andrés club 29 6 4 1 1971 7.09
6 player Giorgi Kochorashvili club 17 2 - 3 905 6.76
9 player Daniel Gómez Alcón club 29 4 1 4 1740 6.72
16 player Alejandro Blesa Pina club 2 - - 0 9 6.14

Deportivo Alavés's Biggest Wins

Levante's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Leganés logo Leganés
35 62 17 11 7 47 26
SD Eibar logo SD Eibar
35 58 17 7 11 57 17
Espanyol logo Espanyol
35 58 15 13 7 51 15
Real Valladolid logo Real Valladolid
35 58 17 7 11 41 10
Real Oviedo logo Real Oviedo
35 55 14 13 8 45 15
Sporting Gijón logo Sporting Gijón
35 55 15 10 10 42 9
Elche logo Elche
35 54 15 9 11 36 4
Racing Ferrol logo Racing Ferrol
35 54 14 12 9 43 2
Racing Santander logo Racing Santander
35 53 15 8 12 55 5
Burgos logo Burgos
35 53 15 8 12 43 -1

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