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Head to Head Prediction: Debrecen VS Várda SE


Home Form






Away Form






Várda SE

Home Form






Away Form






Head To Head


Várda SE

Last 18 Matches



6 Wins
6 Draws
6 Wins

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Debrecen's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Várda SE's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Date Home Teams Away BTTS

Apr 28 01:15 PM

OTP Bank Liga home Várda SE away MOL Fehérvár away MOL Fehérvár 54.142 icon


May 04 01:30 PM

OTP Bank Liga home Puskás away Várda SE away Várda SE 56.397 icon



Debrecen Vs Várda SE Season Stats

Performance Summary Debrecen Várda SE
Total Wins 12 7
Home Wins 9 5
Away Wins 3 2
Total Draws 6 4
Home Draws 1 1
Away Draws 5 3
Total Lost 11 18
Home Losses 5 8
Away Losses 6 10
Total Goals For 45 32
Home Goals For 27 19
Away Goals For 18 13
Total Goals Against 39 46
Home Goals Against 16 19
Away Goals Against 23 27
Total Clean Sheet 6 6
Home Clean Sheet 5 3
Away Clean Sheet 1 3
Total Failed To Score 4 9
Home Failed To Score 1 4
Away Failed To Score 3 5
Total Av Goals Scored 1.55 1.1
Home Av Goals Scored 1.8 1.36
Away Av Goals Scored 1.29 0.87
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.34 1.59
Home Av Goals Conceded 1.07 1.36
Away Av Goals Conceded 1.64 1.8
Total 1st Goal Scored 42m 36m
Home 1st Goal Scored 41m 33m
Away 1st Goal Scored 42m 39m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 37m 35m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 35m 26m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 40m 45m
Goals Scoring Minutes Debrecen Várda SE
0-15 6 (13.3%) 8 (25%)
15-30 3 (6.7%) 4 (12.5%)
30-45 9 (20%) 5 (15.6%)
45-60 6 (13.3%) 6 (18.8%)
60-75 11 (24.4%) 5 (15.6%)
75-90 10 (22.2%) 4 (12.5%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Debrecen Várda SE
0-15 9 (23.1%) 3 (6.5%)
15-30 5 (12.8%) 8 (17.4%)
30-45 5 (12.8%) 14 (30.4%)
45-60 7 (17.9%) 5 (10.9%)
60-75 5 (12.8%) 6 (13%)
75-90 8 (20.5%) 10 (21.7%)
Combined Match Stats Debrecen Várda SE
Attacks 1709 2470
Dangerous Attacks 1301 1338
Av Possession Percent 53.00 48.12
Fouls 192 201
Av Fouls Per Game 6.62 6.93
Offside 27 44
Red Cards 1 1
Yellow Cards 54 62
Shots Blocked 73 72
Shots Off Target 168 150
Av Shots Off Target 5.79 5.17
Shots On Target 145 112
Av Shots On Target 5.00 3.86
Total Corners 143 152
Av Corners 4.93 5.24
BTTS 68.97 58.62
Av Player Rating Per Match 6.53 6.36
Tackles 244 232
Total Match Goals Percentages Debrecen Várda SE
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 100 92.86 92.86 86.67
Over 1.5 66.67 85.71 71.43 73.33
Over 2.5 60 57.14 64.29 53.33
Over 3.5 40 28.57 35.71 40
Over 4.5 13.33 7.14 7.14 13.33
Over 5.5 6.67 7.14 0 0
Under 0.5 0 7.14 7.14 13.33
Under 1.5 33.33 14.29 28.57 26.67
Under 2.5 40 42.86 35.71 46.67
Under 3.5 60 71.43 64.29 60
Under 4.5 86.67 92.86 92.86 86.67
Under 5.5 93.33 92.86 100 100

Debrecen Vs Várda SE Past Matches

Debrecen Vs Várda SE Match Stats

Performance Summary Várda SE Debrecen
Shots Total 6 13
Shots Blocked 0 3
Shots Inside Box 5 10
Shots Outside Box 1 4
Passes Total 385 488
Accurate Passes 312 416
Pass Accuracy % 81.04 85.25
Total Attacks 70 90
Dangerous Attacks 38 49
Fouls 6 9
Corners 6 4
Offsides 0 0
Possession Time 45 55
Yellow Cards 2 0
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards 0 0
Saves 2 2
Substitutions 5 4
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe 57 57
Goals 1 3
Penalties 0 0
Injuries N/A N/A

Debrecen Vs Várda SE Comparision

Debrecen Player Stats



Srđan Blagojević

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
11 player János Ferenczi club 24 - 7 5 2063 7.09
29 player Erik Kusnyír club 18 3 - 2 1472 7.18
27 player Ádám Bódi club 21 1 2 2 869 6.97
17 player Donát Bárány club 28 8 5 3 2147 7.25
77 player Márk Szécsi club 22 3 - 3 876 6.85
18 player Hamzat Basit Ojediran club 20 2 3 3 1330 6.99
20 player Stefan Loncar club 28 4 1 3 1882 6.83
15 player Christian Manrique Diaz club 21 2 - 1 1332 6.84
14 player Meldin Drešković club 20 - - 3 1754 7.40
94 player Dušan Lagator club 25 - 2 8 2007 7.26

Várda SE Player Stats



Tamás Feczkó

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
6 player Bence Ötvös club 26 - 1 4 1817 6.89
8 player Bogdan Melnyk club 20 - 2 7 1328 6.51
30 player Danijel Petković club 15 - - 1 1350 6.79
3 player Aleksandar Jovičić club 26 2 - 9 2299 7.02
97 player Miloš Spasić club 15 2 1 0 758 6.67
19 player Enes Alić club 14 - - 0 840 6.84
11 player Lucas Marcolini Dantas Bertucci club 19 1 - 2 1088 7.04
40 player Mario Ilievski club 27 3 1 2 926 6.76
41 player Roland Biró club - - - 0 - -
24 player Dominik Kovačić club 9 - - 2 636 -

Debrecen's Biggest Wins

Várda SE's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Ferencváros logo Ferencváros
29 65 20 5 4 71 45
MOL Fehérvár logo MOL Fehérvár
29 50 15 5 9 51 13
Paksi SE logo Paksi SE
29 50 15 5 9 46 7
Puskás logo Puskás
29 46 12 10 7 49 19
MTK logo MTK
29 43 12 7 10 40 -12
Debrecen logo Debrecen
29 42 12 6 11 45 6
Diósgyőr logo Diósgyőr
29 40 11 7 11 48 -1
Kecskemeti TE logo Kecskemeti TE
29 37 11 4 14 40 -4
Zalaegerszegi TE logo Zalaegerszegi TE
29 36 10 6 13 49 -7
Újpest logo Újpest
29 34 10 4 15 38 -23

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