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Head to Head Prediction: Carl Zeiss Jena VS Hertha BSC II

Carl Zeiss Jena

Home Form






Away Form






Hertha BSC II

Home Form






Away Form






Head To Head

9 Wins
6 Draws
4 Wins

For predictions of upcoming matches, including head to head stats, lineups and player ratings, check out these h2h pages for future matches

Carl Zeiss Jena's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Hertha BSC II's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Carl Zeiss Jena Vs Hertha BSC II Season Stats

Performance Summary Carl Zeiss Jena Hertha BSC II
Total Wins 11 9
Home Wins 6 5
Away Wins 5 4
Total Draws 9 5
Home Draws 3 3
Away Draws 6 2
Total Lost 9 15
Home Losses 5 6
Away Losses 4 9
Total Goals For 47 42
Home Goals For 26 19
Away Goals For 21 23
Total Goals Against 36 54
Home Goals Against 20 18
Away Goals Against 16 36
Total Clean Sheet 8 5
Home Clean Sheet 3 3
Away Clean Sheet 5 2
Total Failed To Score 5 7
Home Failed To Score 1 3
Away Failed To Score 4 4
Total Av Goals Scored 1.62 1.45
Home Av Goals Scored 1.86 1.36
Away Av Goals Scored 1.4 1.53
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.24 1.86
Home Av Goals Conceded 1.43 1.29
Away Av Goals Conceded 1.07 2.4
Total 1st Goal Scored 31m 36m
Home 1st Goal Scored 38m 37m
Away 1st Goal Scored 24m 34m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 44m 40m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 52m 38m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 36m 42m
Goals Scoring Minutes Carl Zeiss Jena Hertha BSC II
0-15 4 (8.5%) 7 (16.7%)
15-30 14 (29.8%) 10 (23.8%)
30-45 10 (21.3%) 8 (19%)
45-60 5 (10.6%) 4 (9.5%)
60-75 7 (14.9%) 3 (7.1%)
75-90 7 (14.9%) 10 (23.8%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Carl Zeiss Jena Hertha BSC II
0-15 5 (13.9%) 3 (5.6%)
15-30 2 (5.6%) 4 (7.4%)
30-45 6 (16.7%) 14 (25.9%)
45-60 7 (19.4%) 13 (24.1%)
60-75 8 (22.2%) 11 (20.4%)
75-90 8 (22.2%) 9 (16.7%)
Combined Match Stats Carl Zeiss Jena Hertha BSC II
Attacks 3247 2999
Dangerous Attacks 1699 1644
Av Possession Percent 49.23 56.24
Fouls 0 0
Av Fouls Per Game 0.00 0.00
Offside 0 0
Red Cards 4 3
Yellow Cards 56 57
Shots Blocked 0 0
Shots Off Target 132 135
Av Shots Off Target 4.55 4.66
Shots On Target 119 112
Av Shots On Target 4.10 3.86
Total Corners 142 123
Av Corners 4.90 4.24
BTTS 62.07 58.62
Av Player Rating Per Match 0 0
Tackles 0 0
Total Match Goals Percentages Carl Zeiss Jena Hertha BSC II
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 100 86.67 100 100
Over 1.5 78.57 80 71.43 86.67
Over 2.5 57.14 46.67 42.86 73.33
Over 3.5 42.86 20 21.43 53.33
Over 4.5 28.57 6.67 14.29 40
Over 5.5 14.29 6.67 7.14 20
Under 0.5 0 13.33 0 0
Under 1.5 21.43 20 28.57 13.33
Under 2.5 42.86 53.33 57.14 26.67
Under 3.5 57.14 80 78.57 46.67
Under 4.5 71.43 93.33 85.71 60
Under 5.5 85.71 93.33 92.86 80

Carl Zeiss Jena Vs Hertha BSC II Past Matches

Carl Zeiss Jena Vs Hertha BSC II Match Stats

Performance Summary Carl Zeiss Jena Hertha BSC II
Shots Total 10 5
Shots Blocked N/A N/A
Shots Inside Box N/A N/A
Shots Outside Box N/A N/A
Passes Total N/A N/A
Accurate Passes N/A N/A
Pass Accuracy % N/A N/A
Total Attacks 248 211
Dangerous Attacks 136 88
Fouls N/A N/A
Corners 9 1
Offsides N/A N/A
Possession Time 58 42
Yellow Cards 2 2
Red Cards 0 1
Yellow Red Cards 0 1
Saves N/A N/A
Substitutions 4 2
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe 162 159
Goals 3 1
Penalties 1 0
Injuries 1 0

Carl Zeiss Jena Vs Hertha BSC II Comparision

Performance Summary Carl Zeiss Jena Hertha BSC II
Top Scorer Elias Löder(21) G. Christensen(8)
Top Assists N/A N/A
Most Appearances Elias Löder(29) Joel da Silva Kiala(24)
Most Mins Played Elias Löder(2477) Joel da Silva Kiala(2002)
Most Cards Maurice Hehne(7) Nader El-Jindaoui(7)

Carl Zeiss Jena Player Stats



Henning Bürger

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
30 player Alexios Dedidis club 1 - - 0 90 -
6 player Maurice Hehne club 26 1 - 7 1920 -
4 player Burim Halili club 20 4 - 4 1752 -
5 player Bastian Strietzel club 27 - - 6 2424 -
15 player Marcel Hoppe club 3 - - 0 270 -
25 player Justin Schau club 24 - - 6 1817 -
3 player Ken Gipson club 24 - - 4 1811 -
23 player Benjamin Zank club 20 1 - 2 641 -
22 player Maximus Babke club 2 - - 0 90 -
1 player Kevin Kunz club 27 - - 1 2430 -

Hertha BSC II Player Stats



Stephan Schmidt

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
30 player Ibrahim Maza club 2 - - 0 136 -
1 player Maximilian Mohwinkel club 1 - - 0 90 -
player Berkan Alimler club - - - 0 - -
14 player Maurice Covic club 22 2 - 4 1495 -
9 player Tony Fuchs club 8 - - 0 135 -
38 player Veit Stange club 16 - - 1 1149 -
15 player Peter Elliott Matiebel club 5 - - 2 131 -
player Dion Ajvazi club 5 - - 0 55 -
23 player Dominik Schickersinsky club 17 1 - 3 612 -
36 player Eliyas Strasner club 10 - - 2 796 -

Carl Zeiss Jena's Biggest Wins

Hertha BSC II's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Energie Cottbus logo Energie Cottbus
29 58 17 7 5 54 23
BFC Dynamo logo BFC Dynamo
30 57 16 9 5 53 22
Greifswalder FC logo Greifswalder FC
29 56 15 11 3 53 29
Viktoria Berlin logo Viktoria Berlin
30 53 15 8 7 43 9
Altglienicke logo Altglienicke
30 48 14 6 10 59 17
Babelsberg logo Babelsberg
29 48 14 6 9 38 7
Carl Zeiss Jena logo Carl Zeiss Jena
29 42 11 9 9 47 11
Chemie Leipzig logo Chemie Leipzig
29 42 11 9 9 34 -1
Zwickau logo Zwickau
30 41 12 5 13 47 -3
Chemnitzer FC logo Chemnitzer FC
29 41 12 5 12 34 -8

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UEFA Europa League


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