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Head to Head Prediction: Budafoki MTE VS MTE 1904

Budafoki MTE

Home Form






Away Form






MTE 1904

Home Form






Away Form






Head To Head

4 Wins
3 Draws
0 Wins

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Budafoki MTE's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

MTE 1904's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Budafoki MTE Vs MTE 1904 Season Stats

Performance Summary Budafoki MTE MTE 1904
Total Wins 9 3
Home Wins 7 1
Away Wins 2 2
Total Draws 6 5
Home Draws 3 3
Away Draws 3 2
Total Lost 13 20
Home Losses 4 10
Away Losses 9 10
Total Goals For 30 20
Home Goals For 19 9
Away Goals For 11 11
Total Goals Against 39 54
Home Goals Against 14 27
Away Goals Against 25 27
Total Clean Sheet 8 1
Home Clean Sheet 6 0
Away Clean Sheet 2 1
Total Failed To Score 8 16
Home Failed To Score 3 9
Away Failed To Score 5 7
Total Av Goals Scored 1.07 0.71
Home Av Goals Scored 1.36 0.64
Away Av Goals Scored 0.79 0.79
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.39 1.93
Home Av Goals Conceded 1 1.93
Away Av Goals Conceded 1.79 1.93
Total 1st Goal Scored 43m 39m
Home 1st Goal Scored 40m 39m
Away 1st Goal Scored 46m 40m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 35m 33m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 30m 38m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 41m 28m
Goals Scoring Minutes Budafoki MTE MTE 1904
0-15 6 (20%) 4 (20%)
15-30 1 (3.3%) 4 (20%)
30-45 5 (16.7%) 2 (10%)
45-60 8 (26.7%) 0 (0%)
60-75 4 (13.3%) 8 (40%)
75-90 6 (20%) 2 (10%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Budafoki MTE MTE 1904
0-15 8 (20.5%) 11 (20.4%)
15-30 4 (10.3%) 10 (18.5%)
30-45 5 (12.8%) 10 (18.5%)
45-60 8 (20.5%) 10 (18.5%)
60-75 6 (15.4%) 5 (9.3%)
75-90 8 (20.5%) 8 (14.8%)
Combined Match Stats Budafoki MTE MTE 1904
Attacks 2901 2779
Dangerous Attacks 1554 1434
Av Possession Percent 46.61 42.96
Fouls 0 0
Av Fouls Per Game 0.00 0.00
Offside 0 0
Red Cards 3 6
Yellow Cards 58 47
Shots Blocked 0 0
Shots Off Target 169 125
Av Shots Off Target 6.04 4.46
Shots On Target 108 72
Av Shots On Target 3.86 2.57
Total Corners 130 109
Av Corners 4.64 3.89
BTTS 50 39.29
Av Player Rating Per Match 0 0
Tackles 0 0
Total Match Goals Percentages Budafoki MTE MTE 1904
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 85.71 100 100 100
Over 1.5 71.43 71.43 78.57 64.29
Over 2.5 50 42.86 42.86 50
Over 3.5 21.43 35.71 21.43 42.86
Over 4.5 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14
Over 5.5 0 0 7.14 7.14
Under 0.5 14.29 0 0 0
Under 1.5 28.57 28.57 21.43 35.71
Under 2.5 50 57.14 57.14 50
Under 3.5 78.57 64.29 78.57 57.14
Under 4.5 92.86 92.86 92.86 92.86
Under 5.5 100 100 92.86 92.86

Budafoki MTE Vs MTE 1904 Past Matches

Budafoki MTE Vs MTE 1904 Match Stats

Performance Summary Budafoki MTE MTE 1904
Shots Total 17 13
Shots Blocked N/A N/A
Shots Inside Box N/A N/A
Shots Outside Box N/A N/A
Passes Total N/A N/A
Accurate Passes N/A N/A
Pass Accuracy % N/A N/A
Total Attacks 131 107
Dangerous Attacks 72 49
Fouls N/A N/A
Corners 8 8
Offsides N/A N/A
Possession Time 61 39
Yellow Cards 0 2
Red Cards 1 1
Yellow Red Cards 0 1
Saves N/A N/A
Substitutions 4 5
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe 95 101
Goals 2 2
Penalties 1 0
Injuries 0 1

Budafoki MTE Vs MTE 1904 Comparision

Budafoki MTE Player Stats



László Dajka Koleszar

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
player Dominik Fótyik club 16 - - 3 1325 -
player Olivér Kalmár club 26 2 1 7 2151 -
player Botond Nándori club 7 0 - 0 316 -
player Bálint Oláh club 24 5 1 6 2010 -
player Donát Horgosi club 18 - - 4 1197 -
player Dávid Kovács club 22 6 - 3 1410 -
player Bence Gundel-Takács club 28 - - 1 2520 -
player András Horváth club 0 - - 0 0 -
player Márk Bíró club 15 - - 3 892 -
player András Mátyás Csonka club 25 - - 7 2134 -

MTE 1904 Player Stats



Adam Nagy

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
player Kevin Horváth club 28 1 - 4 2520 -
player Gáncs Botond club 9 - - 1 49 -
player Dávid Illés club 28 3 - 5 1935 -
player Marko Vukasović club 23 - - 5 1767 -
player Márk Molnár club - - - 0 - -
player Stefan Deák club 18 - - 5 1545 -
player Szilárd Papp club 17 - - 5 1266 -
player Gergo Simita club 23 - - 1 1796 -
player Balázs Slakta club 7 - - 0 630 -
player Mate Czingraber club 25 2 - 6 2171 -

Budafoki MTE's Biggest Wins

MTE 1904's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Nyíregyháza Spartacus logo Nyíregyháza Spartacus
28 64 19 7 2 57 35
Vasas logo Vasas
28 57 16 9 3 60 34
Győri ETO logo Győri ETO
28 54 17 3 8 50 19
Szeged 2011 logo Szeged 2011
28 51 13 12 3 29 11
Kozarmisleny logo Kozarmisleny
28 43 12 7 9 45 10
Gyirmót logo Gyirmót
28 41 10 11 7 38 5
Soroksár SC logo Soroksár SC
28 38 10 8 10 30 -3
Ajka logo Ajka
28 37 11 4 13 25 -1
Kazincbarcika logo Kazincbarcika
28 37 9 10 9 29 -2
Szombathelyi Haladás logo Szombathelyi Haladás
28 37 9 10 9 38 -3

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