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Head to Head Prediction: Barito Putera VS Persikabo 1973

Barito Putera

Home Form






Away Form






Persikabo 1973

Home Form






Away Form






Head To Head

2 Wins
5 Draws
4 Wins

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Barito Putera's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Persikabo 1973's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Barito Putera Vs Persikabo 1973 Season Stats

Performance Summary Barito Putera Persikabo 1973
Total Wins 10 4
Home Wins 9 2
Away Wins 1 2
Total Draws 12 8
Home Draws 5 6
Away Draws 7 2
Total Lost 9 19
Home Losses 1 8
Away Losses 8 11
Total Goals For 44 40
Home Goals For 25 22
Away Goals For 19 18
Total Goals Against 38 65
Home Goals Against 11 31
Away Goals Against 27 34
Total Clean Sheet 8 1
Home Clean Sheet 7 1
Away Clean Sheet 1 0
Total Failed To Score 4 8
Home Failed To Score 2 4
Away Failed To Score 2 4
Total Av Goals Scored 1.42 1.29
Home Av Goals Scored 1.67 1.38
Away Av Goals Scored 1.19 1.2
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.23 2.1
Home Av Goals Conceded 0.73 1.94
Away Av Goals Conceded 1.69 2.27
Total 1st Goal Scored 44m 49m
Home 1st Goal Scored 38m 51m
Away 1st Goal Scored 49m 48m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 36m 38m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 33m 35m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 41m 41m
Goals Scoring Minutes Barito Putera Persikabo 1973
0-15 5 (11.4%) 2 (5.4%)
15-30 8 (18.2%) 3 (8.1%)
30-45 9 (20.5%) 7 (18.9%)
45-60 4 (9.1%) 6 (16.2%)
60-75 7 (15.9%) 6 (16.2%)
75-90 11 (25%) 13 (35.1%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Barito Putera Persikabo 1973
0-15 4 (10.5%) 3 (4.6%)
15-30 6 (15.8%) 15 (23.1%)
30-45 10 (26.3%) 13 (20%)
45-60 5 (13.2%) 14 (21.5%)
60-75 8 (21.1%) 9 (13.8%)
75-90 5 (13.2%) 11 (16.9%)
Combined Match Stats Barito Putera Persikabo 1973
Attacks 2660 2830
Dangerous Attacks 1660 1680
Av Possession Percent 50.80 48.55
Fouls 428 404
Av Fouls Per Game 13.81 13.03
Offside 20 38
Red Cards 1 1
Yellow Cards 62 69
Shots Blocked 64 57
Shots Off Target 193 163
Av Shots Off Target 6.23 5.26
Shots On Target 119 130
Av Shots On Target 3.84 4.19
Total Corners 140 176
Av Corners 4.52 5.68
BTTS 67.74 74.19
Av Player Rating Per Match 0 0
Tackles 0 0
Total Match Goals Percentages Barito Putera Persikabo 1973
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 86.67 100 93.75 100
Over 1.5 80 93.75 81.25 93.33
Over 2.5 33.33 56.25 68.75 73.33
Over 3.5 20 31.25 56.25 46.67
Over 4.5 6.67 6.25 31.25 20
Over 5.5 6.67 0 0 6.67
Under 0.5 13.33 0 6.25 0
Under 1.5 20 6.25 18.75 6.67
Under 2.5 66.67 43.75 31.25 26.67
Under 3.5 80 68.75 43.75 53.33
Under 4.5 93.33 93.75 68.75 80
Under 5.5 93.33 100 100 93.33

Barito Putera Vs Persikabo 1973 Past Matches

Barito Putera Vs Persikabo 1973 Match Stats

Performance Summary Barito Putera Persikabo 1973
Shots Total 24 3
Shots Blocked 7 2
Shots Inside Box 16 2
Shots Outside Box 8 1
Passes Total 364 385
Accurate Passes 290 299
Pass Accuracy % 79 77
Total Attacks 93 67
Dangerous Attacks 66 34
Fouls 10 19
Corners 6 3
Offsides 3 2
Possession Time 49 51
Yellow Cards 2 3
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards N/A N/A
Saves 0 8
Substitutions 5 4
Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe N/A N/A
Goals 1 1
Penalties 0 0
Injuries N/A N/A

Barito Putera Vs Persikabo 1973 Comparision

Barito Putera Player Stats



Rachmat Darmawan

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
13 player Bayu Pradana club 27 1 1 7 2428 -
1 player Banua Norhalid club 4 - - 0 282 -
3 player Yuswanto Aditya club 10 1 - 3 212 -
14 player Nazar Nurzaidin club 14 0 - 2 405 -
2 player Bagas Kaffa club 21 2 2 7 1787 -
17 player Ferdiansyah Ferdiansyah club 4 - 1 0 35 -
28 player Muhammad Buyung Ismu Lessy club 27 0 - 5 1349 -
85 player Muhamad Firli club 22 0 - 1 1443 -
98 player Eksel Timothy Joseph Runtukahu club 20 5 2 2 695 -
99 player Rahmat Beri Santoso club - - - 0 - -

Persikabo 1973 Player Stats



Djadjang Nurdjaman

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
26 player Syahrul Fadil club 11 - - 1 990 -
69 player Manahati Lestusen club 19 2 - 8 1527 -
2 player Andy Setyo Nugroho club 19 1 1 3 1465 -
13 player Didik Wahyu club 27 2 - 2 2077 -
97 player Muhammad Dimas Drajad club 22 4 3 0 1690 -
20 player Mochammad Dicky Indrayana club 3 - - 0 270 -
28 player Lucky Oktavianto club 24 1 3 10 1417 -
33 player Husna Al Malik Riwani Saputra club 16 - - 0 1440 -
12 player Roni Sugeng club 29 4 1 1 1435 -
18 player Muhammad Kemaluddin club 14 - 0 5 628 -

Barito Putera's Biggest Wins

Persikabo 1973's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Borneo logo Borneo
31 70 21 7 3 50 25
Persib logo Persib
31 56 14 14 3 60 25
Bali United logo Bali United
31 52 15 7 9 49 11
Madura United logo Madura United
31 50 14 8 9 54 11
Dewa United logo Dewa United
31 47 12 11 8 52 9
PSIS Semarang logo PSIS Semarang
31 47 13 8 10 43 5
Persik Kediri logo Persik Kediri
31 46 13 7 11 52 4
Persis Solo logo Persis Solo
31 44 12 8 11 46 2
Barito Putera logo Barito Putera
31 42 10 12 9 44 6
PSM logo PSM
31 41 10 11 10 39 7

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