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Head to Head Prediction: Arsenal VS Fulham


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Head To Head



Last 26 Matches



4 Wins
6 Draws
16 Wins

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Arsenal's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Fulham's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions


Arsenal Vs Fulham Season Stats

Performance Summary Arsenal Fulham
Total Wins 23 12
Home Wins 12 9
Away Wins 11 3
Total Draws 5 6
Home Draws 2 1
Away Draws 3 5
Total Lost 5 16
Home Losses 2 7
Away Losses 3 9
Total Goals For 77 50
Home Goals For 38 30
Away Goals For 39 20
Total Goals Against 26 54
Home Goals Against 15 19
Away Goals Against 11 35
Total Clean Sheet 15 9
Home Clean Sheet 5 6
Away Clean Sheet 10 3
Total Failed To Score 5 11
Home Failed To Score 2 6
Away Failed To Score 3 5
Total Av Goals Scored 2.33 1.47
Home Av Goals Scored 2.38 1.76
Away Av Goals Scored 2.29 1.18
Total Av Goals Conceded 0.79 1.59
Home Av Goals Conceded 0.94 1.12
Away Av Goals Conceded 0.65 2.06
Total 1st Goal Scored 36m 41m
Home 1st Goal Scored 35m 35m
Away 1st Goal Scored 37m 47m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 46m 45m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 37m 48m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 52m 41m
Goals Scoring Minutes Arsenal Fulham
0-15 10 (13%) 4 (8%)
15-30 11 (14.3%) 7 (14%)
30-45 14 (18.2%) 9 (18%)
45-60 11 (14.3%) 8 (16%)
60-75 13 (16.9%) 10 (20%)
75-90 18 (23.4%) 12 (24%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Arsenal Fulham
0-15 4 (15.4%) 2 (3.7%)
15-30 4 (15.4%) 8 (14.8%)
30-45 3 (11.5%) 10 (18.5%)
45-60 7 (26.9%) 9 (16.7%)
60-75 1 (3.8%) 15 (27.8%)
75-90 7 (26.9%) 10 (18.5%)
Combined Match Stats Arsenal Fulham
Attacks 3816 3428
Dangerous Attacks 2423 1654
Av Possession Percent 59.67 50.94
Fouls 334 335
Av Fouls Per Game 10.12 9.85
Offside 74 49
Red Cards 2 3
Yellow Cards 53 74
Shots Blocked 175 121
Shots Off Target 192 179
Av Shots Off Target 5.82 5.26
Shots On Target 195 165
Av Shots On Target 5.91 4.85
Total Corners 234 196
Av Corners 7.09 5.76
BTTS 42.42 47.06
Av Player Rating Per Match 6.96 6.89
Tackles 513 591
Total Match Goals Percentages Arsenal Fulham
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 100 94.12 94.12 94.12
Over 1.5 93.75 64.71 76.47 82.35
Over 2.5 68.75 52.94 64.71 64.71
Over 3.5 50 35.29 35.29 41.18
Over 4.5 18.75 23.53 17.65 17.65
Over 5.5 0 17.65 0 17.65
Under 0.5 0 5.88 5.88 5.88
Under 1.5 6.25 35.29 23.53 17.65
Under 2.5 31.25 47.06 35.29 35.29
Under 3.5 50 64.71 64.71 58.82
Under 4.5 81.25 76.47 82.35 82.35
Under 5.5 100 82.35 100 82.35

Arsenal Vs Fulham Past Matches

Arsenal Vs Fulham Match Stats

Performance Summary Fulham Arsenal
Shots Total 15 13
Shots Blocked 6 3
Shots Inside Box 8 10
Shots Outside Box 7 3
Passes Total 412 637
Accurate Passes 340 562
Pass Accuracy % 82.52 88.23
Total Attacks 86 120
Dangerous Attacks 38 55
Fouls 11 10
Corners 5 4
Offsides 4 0
Possession Time 40 60
Yellow Cards 4 1
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards 0 0
Saves 2 2
Substitutions 4 4
Goal Kicks 13 5
Goal Attampts 9 10
Free Kicks 10 15
Throw Ins 10 9
Ball Safe 82 76
Goals 2 1
Penalties 0 0
Injuries 0 1

Arsenal Vs Fulham Comparision

Arsenal Player Stats



Mikel Arteta Amatriain

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
15 player Jakub Piotr Kiwior club 18 1 3 1 940 6.97
4 player Ben White club 32 2 4 7 2565 7.25
10 player Emile Smith Rowe club 11 - 1 0 325 6.85
5 player Thomas Teye Partey club 9 - - 0 377 6.91
18 player Takehiro Tomiyasu club 17 1 1 1 709 6.84
19 player Leandro Trossard club 29 9 1 1 1287 7.03
11 player Gabriel Teodoro Martinelli Silva club 30 6 5 1 1861 7.23
20 player Jorge Luiz Frello Filho club 22 - 2 1 896 6.96
1 player Aaron Ramsdale club 6 - - 0 540 6.64
21 player Fabio Daniel Ferreira Vieira club 10 1 2 1 290 7.09

Fulham Player Stats



Marco Alexandre Saraiva da Silva

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
10 player Tom Cairney club 30 1 4 2 1396 7.09
33 player Antonee Robinson club 33 - 6 4 2921 7.08
2 player Kenny Tete club 13 1 - 2 778 6.87
8 player Harry Wilson club 31 3 4 6 1502 6.99
1 player Marek Rodák club - - - 1 - -
28 player Saša Lukić club 22 1 - 3 1021 6.78
13 player Tim Ream club 17 1 - 3 1414 6.78
14 player Bobby Reid club 29 6 2 4 1284 6.83
26 player João Maria Lobo Alves Palhinha Gonçalves club 29 4 2 13 2372 7.18
18 player Andreas Hoelgebaum Pereira club 34 3 8 6 2404 7.14

Arsenal's Biggest Wins

Fulham's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Arsenal logo Arsenal
33 74 23 5 5 77 51
Liverpool logo Liverpool
33 74 22 8 3 75 43
Manchester City logo Manchester City
32 73 22 7 3 76 44
Aston Villa logo Aston Villa
34 66 20 6 8 71 21
Tottenham Hotspur logo Tottenham Hotspur
32 60 18 6 8 65 16
Newcastle United logo Newcastle United
32 50 15 5 12 69 17
Manchester United logo Manchester United
32 50 15 5 12 47 -1
West Ham United logo West Ham United
34 48 13 9 12 54 -9
Chelsea logo Chelsea
31 47 13 8 10 61 9
Brighton & Hove Albion logo Brighton & Hove Albion
32 44 11 11 10 52 2

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