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Head to Head Prediction: Aluminij VS Radomlje


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Head To Head



Last 22 Matches



10 Wins
5 Draws
7 Wins

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Aluminij's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Date Home Teams Away BTTS

Apr 29 03:30 PM

1. SNL home Mura away Aluminij away Aluminij 58.525 icon


May 04 01:00 PM

1. SNL home Aluminij away Bravo away Bravo 47.552 icon


May 11 12:00 AM

1. SNL home Rogaška away Aluminij away Aluminij 58.876 icon


Radomlje's Upcoming Matches For All Competitions

Date Home Teams Away BTTS

Apr 27 03:30 PM

1. SNL home Bravo away Radomlje away Radomlje 50.447 icon


May 05 01:00 PM

1. SNL home Radomlje away Rogaška away Rogaška 56.147 icon


May 11 12:00 AM

1. SNL home Domžale away Radomlje away Radomlje 53.601 icon



Aluminij Vs Radomlje Season Stats

Performance Summary Aluminij Radomlje
Total Wins 7 6
Home Wins 3 2
Away Wins 4 4
Total Draws 6 9
Home Draws 3 4
Away Draws 3 5
Total Lost 19 17
Home Losses 10 10
Away Losses 9 7
Total Goals For 30 29
Home Goals For 17 15
Away Goals For 13 14
Total Goals Against 63 48
Home Goals Against 33 31
Away Goals Against 30 17
Total Clean Sheet 6 6
Home Clean Sheet 2 1
Away Clean Sheet 4 5
Total Failed To Score 14 11
Home Failed To Score 6 5
Away Failed To Score 8 6
Total Av Goals Scored 0.94 0.91
Home Av Goals Scored 1.06 0.94
Away Av Goals Scored 0.81 0.88
Total Av Goals Conceded 1.97 1.5
Home Av Goals Conceded 2.06 1.94
Away Av Goals Conceded 1.88 1.06
Total 1st Goal Scored 42m 51m
Home 1st Goal Scored 42m 65m
Away 1st Goal Scored 42m 36m
Total 1st Goal Conceded 34m 36m
Home 1st Goal Conceded 43m 33m
Away 1st Goal Conceded 26m 38m
Goals Scoring Minutes Aluminij Radomlje
0-15 3 (10%) 2 (6.9%)
15-30 6 (20%) 4 (13.8%)
30-45 6 (20%) 8 (27.6%)
45-60 2 (6.7%) 1 (3.4%)
60-75 5 (16.7%) 4 (13.8%)
75-90 8 (26.7%) 10 (34.5%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Aluminij Radomlje
0-15 12 (19%) 7 (14.6%)
15-30 7 (11.1%) 9 (18.8%)
30-45 9 (14.3%) 9 (18.8%)
45-60 10 (15.9%) 8 (16.7%)
60-75 8 (12.7%) 8 (16.7%)
75-90 17 (27%) 7 (14.6%)
Combined Match Stats Aluminij Radomlje
Attacks 3511 3630
Dangerous Attacks 1739 1813
Av Possession Percent 41.60 48.05
Fouls 437 366
Av Fouls Per Game 13.66 11.44
Offside 32 32
Red Cards 1 2
Yellow Cards 69 71
Shots Blocked 74 89
Shots Off Target 129 177
Av Shots Off Target 4.03 5.53
Shots On Target 116 152
Av Shots On Target 3.63 4.75
Total Corners 136 134
Av Corners 4.25 4.19
BTTS 43.75 50
Av Player Rating Per Match 0 0
Tackles 0 0
Total Match Goals Percentages Aluminij Radomlje
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 100 87.5 100 93.75
Over 1.5 81.25 68.75 93.75 62.5
Over 2.5 50 50 56.25 25
Over 3.5 37.5 31.25 37.5 12.5
Over 4.5 18.75 18.75 0 0
Over 5.5 6.25 6.25 0 0
Under 0.5 0 12.5 0 6.25
Under 1.5 18.75 31.25 6.25 37.5
Under 2.5 50 50 43.75 75
Under 3.5 62.5 68.75 62.5 87.5
Under 4.5 81.25 81.25 100 100
Under 5.5 93.75 93.75 100 100

Aluminij Vs Radomlje Past Matches

Aluminij Vs Radomlje Match Stats

Performance Summary Aluminij Radomlje
Shots Total 9 10
Shots Blocked 3 5
Shots Inside Box 6 5
Shots Outside Box 3 5
Passes Total 249 464
Accurate Passes 173 374
Pass Accuracy % 70 80
Total Attacks 123 146
Dangerous Attacks 62 62
Fouls 22 12
Corners 8 4
Offsides 5 2
Possession Time 45 55
Yellow Cards 0 1
Red Cards 0 0
Yellow Red Cards N/A N/A
Saves 2 2
Substitutions 0 0
Goal Kicks 12 8
Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Free Kicks N/A N/A
Throw Ins 26 25
Ball Safe N/A N/A
Goals 1 1
Penalties 0 0
Injuries N/A N/A

Aluminij Vs Radomlje Comparision

Aluminij Player Stats



Robert Pevnik

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
4 player Tin Martić club 28 3 - 9 2475 -
2 player Gašper Pečnik club 22 - - 1 1134 -
32 player Rok Schaubach club 20 1 1 6 1444 -
21 player Gašper Jovan club 31 3 2 2 2628 -
77 player Žan Baskera club 25 1 - 3 630 -
37 player Luka Koblar club 26 - - 5 2206 -
17 player Filip Kosi club 21 - - 1 899 -
14 player Tomislav Jagić club 27 1 2 7 2316 -
23 player Sandro Jovanović club 30 4 3 7 2380 -
3 player Aleksandar Zeljkovic club 16 - - 4 1272 -

Radomlje Player Stats



Darjan Slavic

Total Players


Player Club GP goal assist cards mins rating
88 player Uroš Korun club 29 2 3 6 2462 -
1 player Emil Velić club 15 - - 1 1271 -
21 player Andrej Pogačar club 14 - 1 1 405 -
41 player Darly Nlandu club 20 - 2 2 1298 -
33 player Ognjen Gnjatić club 22 - - 7 1727 -
73 player Luka Baš club 18 - - 1 1609 -
3 player Stipo Marković club 31 - 4 3 2094 -
14 player Tin Hrvoj club 28 - 1 4 2227 -
29 player Rok Jazbec club 5 - - 0 172 -
10 player Luka Cerar club 9 - - 0 281 -

Aluminij's Biggest Wins

Radomlje's Biggest Wins

Competition Standings

# Team GP P W D L G GD
Celje logo Celje
32 72 22 6 4 70 41
Olimpija logo Olimpija
32 63 18 9 5 68 28
Maribor logo Maribor
32 59 17 8 7 60 29
Bravo logo Bravo
32 44 11 11 10 38 -1
Koper logo Koper
32 43 11 10 11 44 1
Domžale logo Domžale
32 38 12 2 18 46 -8
Mura logo Mura
32 38 10 8 14 37 -14
Rogaška logo Rogaška
32 32 9 5 18 32 -24
Radomlje logo Radomlje
32 27 6 9 17 29 -19
Aluminij logo Aluminij
32 27 7 6 19 30 -33

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